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Hey check out my site lmk what you want in a pm.


  • Just doing my part to ruin your post...

    Just playing man, what do these book?
    02-03 Authentix Game of the Week Ghill/Gpayton
    01-02 Desmond Mason Fleer Platinum, National Patchtime
  • Well ill trade with you if you can just let me make a post with out hate or anything.Cuz once u make a reply the post is usually gone. The ghill/payton ill need something decent for it.(books ??) The dmason(books like 12-15) ill trade away easily i need the stuff below.

    Jason Terry
    Jared Jeffries
    Kobe Bryant
    Yao Ming
    Star autos
    star rookies
    02-03 gu
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