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anyone interested in PS2, PS1, PC, or Dreamcast games?

PM me what games you want, selling almost every game at a price of 6$ each, 2$ shipping

Refs: MightyMouse,(2) Josher416(3), JErik20, Brice, Truballer (2), KBryant(4), lafrentz06, gettinout1, LilAI3 (5 transactions), McDee2, Speedmaster, Lantz, Battier, JasonKU86, thematrix31, biggamegil, Trev-Aman, Nismo68, baljitgill1 (multiple),KNICKS644, cpandeaz3

email:: funnyguy0015@yahoo.com
AIM:: funnyguy0015

my site:: http://groups.msn.com/AdamsTradingCards/atccards.msnw

To Josher416:: May he rest in peace.


  • email sent.

    trade refs on CU: Udwashington,cardjunkie3, chipperedredwolf,rbarra, big shane,dmiles89

    Lookin for garnett,tmac,and especially Olajuwon gu/auto or rcs. will trade up to 1.5 book for olajuwon SOMETIMES
  • what PC games do you have and what are they about (i mean the objective/weapons used image). I dont think shipping should be worried about if i get something. LMK!
    Rest in peace Josh, we'll all miss you
  • Those look like back ups to me. cuz under a coupld games it said (2 cd) So you are inferring that they are cd's........... If yall want back ups i got like 40 of um lol for like 30 bucks
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