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Anyone have any tmac gu for trade I have lots for trade so please reply and if possible list any of your MESSENGER names
lilsun1 (4), Danotorious, Richcypf32,
Airjordan22, Duncangal(2), hakeem, woodson24kg, ejones06
chayne2, MightyMouse(3), Haliguy(3) ALANEADS, cpdhenry (2), mattdogg, Truballer, Nismo68, scoutdawg (2), derek (2)


  • anyone have tmac gu
    lilsun1 (4), Danotorious, Richcypf32,
    Airjordan22, Duncangal(2), hakeem, woodson24kg, ejones06
    chayne2, MightyMouse(3), Haliguy(3) ALANEADS, cpdhenry (2), mattdogg, Truballer, Nismo68, scoutdawg (2), derek (2)
  • I got a 01/02 UD Pros&Prospects All-Star Team-Ups of T-Mac and Marbury.
    Do you have a tradelist I could look at?
  • i odnt have a list yet i have too many gu to list at the moment i do however have a 01-02 pros and prosepcts tinsley you might want
    lilsun1 (4), Danotorious, Richcypf32,
    Airjordan22, Duncangal(2), hakeem, woodson24kg, ejones06
    chayne2, MightyMouse(3), Haliguy(3) ALANEADS, cpdhenry (2), mattdogg, Truballer, Nismo68, scoutdawg (2), derek (2)
  • Sorry, I´m only looking for the 00/01 RC. I wouldn´t mind trading the card for some other game-used or autographed card I liked that books the same, so maybe you could give me a list with cards that book for $50 or so.
  • how about 01-02 spx winning materials KG bv $40 name me some players you like...
    lilsun1 (4), Danotorious, Richcypf32,
    Airjordan22, Duncangal(2), hakeem, woodson24kg, ejones06
    chayne2, MightyMouse(3), Haliguy(3) ALANEADS, cpdhenry (2), mattdogg, Truballer, Nismo68, scoutdawg (2), derek (2)
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