I guess you didn't read his last reply ....So here it is for you
Actually, that feature is not active, as I am totally anonymous. I moderate several boards and usually keep a very low profile. Rest assured that I will be keeping a much closer eye on this board as several of my other boards have calmed down with the expulsion of the troublesome elements.
I may consider activating the PM feature, however I do not want that to become a "crying board" for complaints along the lines of "so and so" beat me out of a $5 card or other such nonsense, which we all know that such a outlet would become.
However it would seem appropriate to the some of the responsible board members able to contact me for those hopefully rare occasions when action is required.
Forum AdministratorPSA & PSA/DNA ForumModerator@collectors.com | p 800.325.1121 | PSAcard.com
i can see your point on not wanting to get pm`s about who is a good or bad trader but some things might need your help ........ by the way nice job so far
Actually, that feature is not active, as I am totally anonymous. I moderate several boards and usually keep a very low profile. Rest assured that I will be keeping a much closer eye on this board as several of my other boards have calmed down with the expulsion of the troublesome elements.
Sports Moderator 1
Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's
However it would seem appropriate to the some of the responsible board members able to contact me for those hopefully rare occasions when action is required.
Forum AdministratorPSA & PSA/DNA ForumModerator@collectors.com | p 800.325.1121 | PSAcard.com
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<< <i>well we could use that pm right now, lol seems one has made his way back to the forum but i have faith he wont last long >>
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has to start it back up , but some kids never learn
Quasar, if what I'm hearing is true, you won't have to worry about that for long. Everyone will be back shortly.