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Follow-up to ebay scam site

Sorry to start a new thread on this but I could not locate the original one. A few days ago someone posted they got an email from ebay requesting lots of personal info. I forwarded ebay the web address and below is what they had to say. Interestingly, they must get alot of these as they already had a canned response!


Thank you for writing regarding the email you received that appeared to
be an eBay verification.

First let me begin by telling you that this email was not sent by eBay
nor endorsed by us in anyway. These emails are the result of a
fraudulent entity. Please let me assure you that eBay will never ask for
your private information, including credit card information or
passwords, in an email format. Also, eBay will never send you any
request or solicitation from a non-eBay email account or provide a link
outside of eBay for entering credit card numbers or other private
information. If you ever need to give us information, we suggest that
you do so by going directly to the eBay.com website or use our web form.

If you have entered your information on any website that you believe may
not have been a part of the eBay.com site, you should take steps to
protect your personal information. Depending on the information you
submitted, you should first start by changing your eBay password and the
password hint if you have one set up. Next, you should change the
password associated with your email address.

If you entered sensitive financial and identity information, we
recommend that you contact your bank, your credit card companies and
even your local authorities with the details of your situation. You may
also write back for a detailed list of some agencies to help get you
started in recovering your information. In addition, you should also
consider reviewing and/or changing all of your online passwords as well.
Now would also be a good time to perform a virus scan on your computer.

When it comes to the security of your eBay information, please be
assured, if another person was to gain access to your eBay password,
your credit card and bank information will remain safe on our site.
Sensitive billing information cannot be accessed using your User ID and
password. Information previously supplied may be updated but cannot be
retrieved or viewed by the user. This means you may add new billing
information but cannot access old information. This is just one of many
safeguards we use to protect your most sensitive information.

Although we are unable to provide follow up information regarding the
result of our investigation, we do take these offenses very seriously
and will make sure that appropriate action is taken against those

Currently we believe that these messages are being sent to members that
are using their email address for their user ID. We recommend that all
members have a user ID to prevent receiving these types of messages.

If your user ID is currently your email address you may change it by
following the instructions below:

* Click on the site map link located at the top of any eBay page
* Scroll through the 'Services' section
* Click on 'Change my User ID' and follow the instructions on that page

Remember, anywhere that eBay requests your User ID, you may submit
either your "nickname" or your email address. If you forget your User
ID, you may submit your email address. The results will display your
User ID. Just so you know, if you change your user ID, your feedback
profile will not change. It will follow you seamlessly to your new ID.
However, you will have a set of "shades" next to your new ID to alert
members to the change.

You also have the option of reporting this fraudulent email to your ISP
and to the sender's ISP, if appropriate. Should you choose to report
this email, be sure to include a complete copy of the email along with
the full header. Headers are important because they contain evidence of
the path of the email and usually no action can be taken without them.

Even if you did not enter any information, you may want to check out
some of these helpful fraud prevention and anti-Spam sites below:





If you have additional concerns regarding your account, please re-submit
your concern through our web form using the link below:


When doing so, please be sure to choose the most appropriate topic and
subtopic so that your email will be answered in a timely and customized

Again, thank you for your efforts to help keep eBay a safe place to
trade. Please let us know if you will require additional information or


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