1933 ST. Gaudians

in Q & A Forum
What are your comments about the 1933 ST. Gaudians? Any words you could share about it?
We saw the coin first at the Long Beach coin show...it looked very nice, but was impossible to examine closely thru the big display case. The following Monday, four of us went to Sotheby's Beverly Hills office and examined the coin. We were very pleasantly surprised at the coin's grade and originality as there had been rumors the coin had been cleaned. The fact was the coin had not been cleaned and it exhibited the beautiful creamy luster you usually see with the late date (1928-1932) Saints. The coin was relatively mark-free and the quality that PCGS grades MS65. The quality was very nice.
The coin is really fantastic. I personally believe it is one of the most desireable US coins. It has great historical importance, bookending Theodore Roosevelt's dream of classically beautiful US coin designs and Franklin Roosevelt's own designs on gold ownership by US citizens. It's the major rarity of the highly important Saint Gaudens series, the major US 20th Century gold rarity, and a major US coin rarity. The coin has history, beauty, historical and numismatic importance, and controversy. I love the coin. If I was Bill Gates, I'd own it in a second.