Bowers Bust Dollar Book
I understand that Bowers has a couple of silver dollar books he has written. I am assuming they are out of print. I am looking for the one on early dollars. Anyone know where I might find one??
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson,
Also, you should contact the Goldbergs and order their Sept-02 pre-Long Beach catalog. The catalog is an excellent reference for Early Dollars. It contains the San Marino collection, and is cataloged by the owner of that collection who is an officer of the John Reich Collectors Society.
Finally, you should join the JRCS. They can be reached at:
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at
I sent email to the two book dealers you listed, and also got on the JRCS website and had the latest newsletter and application for membership sent to me. Thanke for the help.
Any idea how much this bowers book should sell for on the secondary market??
My understanding is that the book is on the "back burner" for a while. I'd go ahead and get a copy of the book now. It is hard to get and expensive, but well worth it.
Complete Set of Chopmarked Trade Dollars
Carson City Silver Dollars Complete 1870-1893"