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  • You really should watch your language Jessica, because Charlie is tired of all of the swearing.
  • I won't stoop to your level, I just want you to know you've been reported to the moderators.
  • blah blah blah, you are both losers...
  • You are a jackass....

    Jamaya, you may be a woman, but you ain't no lady.
  • Go ahead and call me a loser, trash, garbage, whatever. At least I don't have to swear at other people which makes you lower than any name you could ever call me. image
  • keep tellin yourself that spanky...
  • Jessica, we could sit here all day arguing like little children, but what would be the point? It's obvious what's going on here, you're sexually attracted to both me and Superstar5, and the way you convey that is hate. As the psychoanalysts say, hate is not the opposite of love, it's the opposite of fear, and you're afraid of your emotions right now, but you don't have to be. Just choose one of us already, don't break up our freindship over this confused love triangle, and let's get on the road to a lasting, loving internet relationship.

    Quasar said it's waaaaay better than the real thing.
  • Jessica that response just tells me that you know it is totally true, but you are just trying to cover up the truth. Like I said, whatever you want to call me doesn't really matter, seeing it's all hot air.
  • All I can say is you and your merry band of retards are desperate for attention, and I feel sorry all of you.

    I gave all of you too much credit, as I have more than accomplished what I set out to do...

    Gotta love simpletons....
  • The intelligences radiates from your giant cranium. Please enlighten us with more of your wisdom Jessica for I am your Grasshopper waiting for your next brilliant post.
  • Jessica, now you're just embarrassing yourself. You don't have to push us away anymore...we accept you. Just choose one of us, and you can be our lady. I'm sure you'd like to, after all, I can't fathom any reason that you, a woman, wouldn't want one of us men? Right?
  • I think I will just sit here and let you little boys try and figure out what my motivation is for harassing you...Simpletons....
  • Yes yes jessica, oh-so-clever in trying to get us booted...it's just a terrible thing that you're the only one swearing in this post.
  • By the way Jessica aka KD Lang, me and Superstar5 have been talking and laughing at you on IM since this post started, since your attempts to draw us into a cussing match were so transparent. Jeez, it really is true what they say about women being about 70% as smart as men.
  • We already knew from your first post. Sorry, but you aren't as sly as you think you are. We were hoping you would treat us with some more of that Classy Southern Language you used in the first post, but alas, no luck. I guess you would consider it a Stalemate, but this thread has you losing in the overall points standing due to the vulgar language.
  • Jessica, I'm sure this is what the moderators wanted CU to become when they booted all those people, a series of fight posts designed to entrap people into getting booted. I bet they'll give you a medal.
  • actually, you're both wrong. I don't care if you stay or if you get booted...my intentions were not to get you booted, if they were, I myself would not have cursed. You both become more ignorant post after post after post...You sill can't figure it out.
  • L-A-M-E.
  • F-A-G
  • Well, regardless, you've embarassed yourself quite nicely. I hope you don't intend to go on with some charade that you're somehow more classy than myself.
  • G-O-N-E.
  • Once again Jessica your plan failed, so you needed a cover up. Your posts are so classy and of such intelligence, did you graduate from Krusty's Klown Kollege? You are such a comedian, that would have to be my guess. How dare you even use the word Sassy in your ebay name, because you are far from being Sassy or Classy. If I had to bet, Gassy would be more like it.
  • You? Classy? You are a fool, and I haven't embarrassed myself at all. You have, and will continue to do so. I doubt that will change. The results of being a crack baby, in addition to only a high school education have set you up for failure in life.
  • Ponder this, oh genious'...if you are busy fussing with me, where does that leave time for you to belittle everyone else? You see, Your insults do not bother me, I actually find this humorous, but some people don't. Some people can actually get their feelings hurt here. I am not one of them, and neither are any of you. All I have done is create a bit of a diversion for some of the good traders/people on this board that you feel you have to gang up on 5-1 or 6-1. Not much of a fair fight it seems. I on the other hand, have no conscience, no compassion, morals, or ethics. My feelings don't get hurt by people like you. Because I know I could easily handle my business with any of you ladies at any given place or time. As only a few members here know, I am not exactly what or who you think I am. Uwftke26, you have this need to belittle everyone else here in order to make your life seem better, or make others feel less than you. That won't and can't happen with me.
  • *BIG YAWN*

    First of all the word is Genius.

    Next, some of those people you say can get their feeling hurt have also hurt others feelings.

    Ryan and I never saw eye to eye in the beginning, in fact I was even bashed by Ryan. Ryan is one of those people you have to accept him for who he is, because he isn't going to change. That is the problem around here that Ryan is a victim of what you call "gang attacks" also. He has been for awhile and always will be.

    As for your so called Diversion, there were only a handful of people on the board and how many posted anything for trade or looking for anything besides Playr050?

    You also started the attacks yesterday, so you were the one belittling us. Go Figure!!!!!

    "I on the other hand, have no conscience, no compassion, morals, or ethics" I couldn't agree more with you on you not having any Morals or Ethics.

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