Home U.S. Coin Forum

You need this!

As we reach critical-mass (10,000) subscribers to our (currently) FREE coin collecting software, we will release the “on-line” version. You will be able to sell or buy coins directly with other users through it and the system will automatically enter full details of the transaction including photos into your (and their) copy of COIN Inventory so you wont have to. Additionally, your software will analyze your collection to suggest which coins you might want to sell at what price, and help you find buyers (or swaps), and it will do the same for the coins you might not realize that you need. Then it will keep your various Registries up to date.

If you and/or all your coin collecting friends and dealers are not using this software, please either download it now (80+ mb) at http://download.coinweb.org/ or email your address to me at janrschwenk@attbi.com and I will mail you a free cd-rom (also has preliminary manual on cd) at no charge, even if you live outside the U.S. When the new version is release it will be a seamless download and update.

If you want to see what the proto-type of your web listing will look like, please check it out at All the coins shown there now are mine and they are not for sale – we just used some of my coins as a test. You can click the “get info” button and I will get a “blind” email alerting me to the fact that someone is interested in one or more of the coins. I can then respond to your request and neither of us will know who the other person is until our two systems “negotiate” a tentative deal. Then the seller can chose to accept the deal, and if he does, the “buyer” receives a message in the open, and you both go ahead and do your deal. You can log into this site and even post your own coins right there now but later, posting one or all of your coins from COIN Inventory will be essentially a one button stroke. If you do log in and post coins, you can “get info” on your own coins to see how this feature works. The parameters and negotiation feature is not enabled at the present time, and this site is a bit crude right now, but the “Dot-Net” version which we will be posting soon is smooth.
U.S. coin collector since 1943. Have tried desperatly to keep every coin that has come to hand, but unfortunately, some got away.


  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    Sounds like a great idea. An intriguing way of handling inventory and creating an almost B to B situation.
  • MacCoinMacCoin Posts: 2,544 ✭✭
    I must be stupid becauce I can't even get the coin inventory to run. I downloaded and installed access 2002 runtime and it still don't work.

    I hate it when you see my post before I can edit the spelling.

    Always looking for nice type coins

    my local dealer
  • You are not stupid - computers are. Please email me the details (at janrschwenk@attbi.com). If we can connect to your computer via netmeeting or laplink, we will figure out the problem.
    U.S. coin collector since 1943. Have tried desperatly to keep every coin that has come to hand, but unfortunately, some got away.
  • MacCoinMacCoin Posts: 2,544 ✭✭
    email sent

    I hate it when you see my post before I can edit the spelling.

    Always looking for nice type coins

    my local dealer
  • LanLordLanLord Posts: 11,714 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I have been running the program for a little over a week now, and it runs very well. I have a question or two about the "market prices".

    1) I have noticed on several occasions that adding a coin in say VF, it defaults to VF20, but what I have is actually a VF30, sometimes it has a market price others none found.

    2) There are times when a value of a coin increases dramatically just by making an entry in the field that indicates that it is a certified coin (all of mine are PCGS and NGC so I haven't tried all third party graders, but these two can make a substantial difference in price sometimes as much as 50%)

    Do these issues seem correct? I am sorry, I didn't record which dates this has happed on, but with a bit of time I could probably reproduce some of these things.

    All in all, I like it, it runs well and seems like a great tool. I do need to become more adept at using it for reporting.

  • Lanlord,

    (I can't stop drooling - is that really you?)

    Sorry, what were we talking about? Oh, yeah, coins.

    1). The default price is just a suggestion - you can over-ride it and should put the correct Numerical Grade. By the way, you can have a VF 20, a VF21, a VF22, etc.

    2). Yes, slabbed coins are generally worth more than raw and different grading companies have very different "reputations" and consequently price ratios in the market. I posted a message in this forum a day or two ago about this very point - I will find it and send you a reference. As our pricing module matures and our base of prices expands, we will have every price and more accurate ratios of slabber to slabber.

    Remember the program is still a "beta" there are many more features we haven't released yet. And also, prices are relative. The true cost of anything is what someone is actually willing to pay. The past is prologue to some extent but prices still need to be taken with a grain of salt - a suggestion, so speak.


    U.S. coin collector since 1943. Have tried desperatly to keep every coin that has come to hand, but unfortunately, some got away.
  • The Grey Sheet publishes (Blue) relative bids for the "same" coin graded by different services. You opinion? What about the missing services? Where do they fall?

    If a PCGS slabbed coin bids at $100.00, then:
    NGC bids at $ 83.03
    PCI bids at $ 67.81
    ANACS bids at $ 61.60
    INS bids at $ 36.86
    NCI bids at $ 36.23
    U.S. coin collector since 1943. Have tried desperatly to keep every coin that has come to hand, but unfortunately, some got away.
  • LanLordLanLord Posts: 11,714 ✭✭✭✭✭
    No, that's not me, on a scale of 1 - 10 she's an 11+, I rate somewhere in the negative numbers.

    Thanks for the feedback on the market pricing.

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