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uwftke26, Superstar, Pacman, Crunchy, Slip....

Trash...All trash. I can't hold them responsible, I am sure their parents were/are addicts and deadbeats...

You claim D-Gal has her nose in the air, I'm sure your parents' had their noses down on a line a few times...

Bye Everyone!


  • wtf do I have to do with this?!?!

    I never said anything about duncangal. I have talked to her a couple of times and think she is a great person.
  • All hail the queen of Trash!!!!!!!!!! We already know you don't like men Jessica, it's no secret.image
  • LOL, in fairness pacman really isn't guilty here. Lay off him.

    Jamaya, are just bitter because we're mocking duncangal, and she's your freind? I know you two New jersey-trash hoes go out trolling for dudes together every night, so it's natural for you to stand up for her.
  • Why don't you edit your title to not include my name. I did not do anything, show me where I did.
  • Dude, you were born a male, so that is why she hate you. Jessica hates ALL MEN!!!!
  • damn i feel so leftout,why was'nt i included in your trash post.and what happened with you did you turn into a rugdoctor after you and bradley25 split up?
  • Jamaya, I can't believe you didn't include SlimShady on the title! Some people are so dang inconsiderate.
  • You know Ryan something is very funny to me.It seem's that everyone on this board is a good friend of yours as you have stated in a few post that I have read.

    I find that real hard to believe that anyone on CU is really a friend of your's.And this is why a little something from Webster's


    1 a: one attached to another by affection or esteem
    b: Acquantance

    2aimageNE THAT IS NOT HOSTILE ( which you are )
    bimagene that is of the same nation,party,group (which no one claims you for any of these)

    3: one that favors or promotes something ( as a charity)
    this on fits you promotes anger

    4 : a favored companion (like a dog with rabies that you have to put down)

    5 :capitalized FRIEND a member of a Christian sect that STRESSES INNER LIGHT,Rejects sacraments and an ORDAINED Ministry,AND OPPOSES WAR

    By your rude comments none of these fit you except # 3.You have something you need to deal with so you feel as this board is your Therapist or Therapy.WHICH IT ISN'T
  • LOL JackOfferman, you're really spending too much time on me these days, maybe if you really wanted to start some stuff you'd quit hiding under your fat mama's dress, aka that little girl screen name of yours.

  • Might i ask what I have done? Huh? If you can tell me exactly what I have done to Duncangal...or what I have done to warrant being called "trash," fine by me. But as far as I'm concerned, by posting this, you are no better than I am until you can generate some evidence showing why I am "trash" (which in itself does make it seem like you think you are better than me).
  • Slip, your posts, as well as others', have been deleted...how convenient.
  • right, if you are trashing me though, you can still come up with some instances now can't you? Maybe you should think before calling other people "trash." How would you like it if I called you trash? Once again, do you think you are better than me or something?
  • Jamaya, you want to make fun of parents and you call US trash? If we're trash, you're a big steaming pile of human feces.
  • DerrickDerrick Posts: 4,287 ✭✭
    I wrote a poem once about trash and such...and it goes a lil somthing like this...

    "Maybe Trashy, But Hellacious"

    Ball me up and toss me away,
    I'm nothing to you but a worthless
    piece of trash.
    And, as a piece of your trash,
    I'll make a terrible smell for you in your
    waste basket.
    I'll decide what mold to grow,
    and I'll make the aroma smell grotesque.
    Take me out into a dump,
    and throw me away with other garbage.
    I'll still make your life a complete hell,
    and stink up your life.

    Rah Rah Rah...blah blah blah...Yeah!

    Jamaya, who are you to judge...especially when you don't even know half of these people? You say slip is a piece of trash yet you have yet to look yourself in the mirror? Heh...it's kids like you who give the world a sour name...grow up for once. If you had any maturity, you'd realize that what you say really doesn't mean cr@p! I'd love to see a good boxing match...Slip vs. Jamaya...Round 1 KO...Slip wins by barely touching Jamaya...hip hip hooray! Lights out. The End.
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