For everyone's sake

One time, long ago, I welched on an informal bet with BBallGURU. You can decide for yourself if that makes me a scammer, but I have never stolen cards from anyone, and have extensive references.
We have documented that oasurfer ripped off James and stole a card from him,a nd people like GreatOfferman and Dabeef want to jump on me for calling him out. James is a freind, and I plan to continue defending him.
We have documented that oasurfer ripped off James and stole a card from him,a nd people like GreatOfferman and Dabeef want to jump on me for calling him out. James is a freind, and I plan to continue defending him.
What was your old slogan?
At 23, I'm just beging to realize that I have no friends, and never will.......??
Nice toy collection you have there.. Are they all set up in your room? Do you talk to them?
By the way...checking my ebay purchases? Are you obsessed with me or what?
<< <i>I purchased that and shipped it to my little bro so he could give it to his girl for her birthday.
By the way...checking my ebay purchases? Are you obsessed with me or what? >>
Yeah, I was... Nice ebay rating.. A negative on the woody deal..Ya cant afford the $5 toy, maybe you out to look for a better job...
<< <i>We all know you're a peon, but at least get your facts right...a glowing positive on that sale, and no negatives for a loooong time. I'll be happy to give out my ebay name (gospurs26) if anyone would like to verify that and prove what a lying sack of sh!t Dabeef is. >>
Maybe you should BRUSH YOUR TEETH.. You do eat alot of crow though!
So why couldnt you pay for this bid? Your bad breath knocked your pathetic arse out for 3 days??
So, just so we're clear, you admit to lying about the Woody feedback, correct? I have't seen you produce the so-called negative I got for that.
And of course, we all know you're too chickensh!t you put your ebay name up here, like I did.
LMAO and what do you do with this "General Manager" with the name "Keith" on it, LMAO!!
Is he your Buddy?
I spose you bought this for a "friend" right?
Oh yeah XL??
And your calling Me a fat boy, when I wear a Large, not an Extra Large... Lmao...
<< <i>i think dabeef has finally crossed the line between innocent bashing to invasion of privacy,yes one can obtain a persons eBay info from thier email address and yes one can look and laugh all they want at a persons purchases,but once you post private auction info on a public forum with the sole intent to degrade or humiliate a person i believe it becomes grounds for libel.ryan as unpopular as you may or may not be with the site managers i'd use these posts to have dabeef removed from thses forums once and for all. >>
This must be "Kieth"