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Bad personality
Bad Jokes
Bad Image
Bad assett to this Board
Bad person
Bad heart
Very ugly face......

Gotta be a bad trader.....

I vote to remove him....This site is FU***N GARBAGE BECAUSE OF YOU


  • << <i>Bad personality
    Bad Jokes
    Bad Image
    Bad assett to this Board
    Bad person
    Bad heart
    Very ugly face......

    Gotta be a bad trader.....

    I vote to remove him....This site is FU***N GARBAGE BECAUSE OF YOU >>

    you vote to remove him yet you use profanity in the same line?
  • LOL who is this loser.
  • Sorry

    You must not be able to read...Garbage is not profanity....and asteriks arent either.....good try though.
  • I have had 4 people on AOL tell me you have ripped them off (at least 2 months or more without their cards you owe them)....You may want to get your act together before they file suit against you.
  • oh really? I am aware that asteriks aren't profanity, but what you implied is.
  • Funny since I haven't traded in months....I guarantee you cannot produce a single one of these people or authenticate them.
  • speakin the truth, speakin the truth

    btw: if you havent traded in months WHAT THE H-LL ARE YOU DOING ON THESE FORUMS?
  • If you can produce a single person who I've ever ripped off, I will leave here forever. Just one person you can authenticate, thats all ia sk, we all know you're full of sh!t.

  • << <i>If you can produce a single person who I've ever ripped off, I will leave here forever. Just one person you can authenticate, thats all ia sk, we all know you're full of sh!t. >>

    OK, Cya Ryan........


    Nuff said, Bye-Bye........
    Am I speaking Chinese?

  • Who did he rip off I would like to know ...

    I don't care for Ryan for the way he acts on the board but i haven't heard of him ever ripping anyone off...Post the email of the people THAT YOU SAY he has ripped off so we will know

    Believe me I'm not defending him I would just like to see some proff or drop this crap we have enough already
    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • Never ripped him off, keep trying you piece of garbage.
  • From what i hear CU used to be a fun place to trade and make good friends , then this little punk kid uwftke26 comes on and has to ruin it for everyone. Why do you all put up with him? Why do you think you have to make fun of everyone that just comes in here to make a trade? Why is every comeback have to be about someones mom, girlfriend ect...... Your just a punk with no real life friends, why dont you do us all a favor and leave?
  • biggjc, I have never ripped anyone off, they're just trying anything to get me.
  • he's always messed up to the newbies
    My New Site
    Only Looking for Caron Butler right now or stuff to improve my tradelist

  • << <i>biggjc, I have never ripped anyone off, they're just trying anything to get me. >>

    Do you think posts just disappear? You just admitted to it, dang.....

    Get outa here......
    Am I speaking Chinese?

  • Welching on a bet doesn't even approach scamming, I have never stolen card(s) from anyone.
  • me and ryan are friends and i been here since feburary and never heard of him ripping someone off
    my site
    #1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world

    Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515
  • Why make the bet if your not willing to pay up?
  • There is NO differance between making a bet for $150 woth of cards, not paying up, and plain old stealing.. NONE...

    Am I speaking Chinese?

  • Yeah a rip is a rip...... so leave. image
  • he hasent traded in months so he has no right on the boards
  • BASEBALLFAN80/PSASPORTS/Chris = great trader

    uwtcfske28/12 other names/Ryan = ??????
  • PSASPORTS was booted for a reason, that must mean he is a Bad Person/Bad Trader also!!!!!!!
  • PSASPORTS was booted for saying azz or something.
  • Well, according to this post that makes him a BAD PERSON AND BAD TRADER!!
  • BAD PERSON AND BAD TRADER!! is relative you fool.

    I say you're a BAD PERSON AND BAD TRADER!! because......ummm......no reason really.image
  • pacman you know as does everyone else on this board that I'm a great trader. I will give you props though...if we disagree on somethign you can come to me under your real screen name and talk to me. I don't ask that people always agree with me, I just ask they not be chickensh!t's like PSASPORTS and whoever JackOfferman is and not behind different screen names because they're afraid of me.

    And for the record, the on;y other screen name I have ever used on here is Feaksaurus. People have claimed I'm all kinds of other people on here, but all they do is look foolish and give me and my freinds on here a good laugh.
  • ChickenSh!t??? Haha, i dont think so, Ryan, you are THE PIECE OF SH!T! Haha, you are hated, so leave

    I never once tried hiding behind my new name ....I told EVERYONE in a post i was booted and had to rejoin under a new name. Good try though once again, LOSER.
  • Ryan is a thief and a liar...
  • Could you all just stop cominging down on Ryan? What the heck did he ever do to you guys? Did he ever personally rip you off? Did he? Going down the list, he is the one of the best traders on this board, quick and in a bubble mailer, which most of you don't do. You can't come down on a guy just for having his own opinion. I mean, gee, what did he ever do that made all of y'all come down on him..he's just being himself...if you don't like it, leave, don't come down on Ryan and try to make him leave, because he is never leaving, face it.

    My two cents.
    60+ sucessful trades on here.
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