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hmm the lamest excuse for not sending. ya'll agree?

1. i couldnt get to po

if u cant get to the post office, dont agree on the deal!
in oas situation, u've had a long time to send, and havent, you cant tell me u didnt get a chance to go to po. get up on saturday, and have ur parents drive u.

now i can see if it takes u a few days to send, because most of us cant get to po everyday, but if you know u "cant" get to po for a month then dont bother making the deal!


  • lol....pretty dern lame
    60+ sucessful trades on here.
  • 8kobe8kobe Posts: 1,159
    Trfstptch- I heard that same excuse from you for about a month. Funny that you say it is "pretty dern lame "

    Interested in Kobe Bryant, Game Used, Rare Inserts, Rookies, and Autos.
    References: Derrick(3),Teletubbie, MT Grinch, Kenny21, Awaltz, 2323, sypako, hondo, CoryZbinden(2)biggjc, boopopo2, Cardnyou, nismo68, Speedmaster, Baljit and more

    Owner of the longest actual word in the "One word Post"
  • I got a better one.

    1.) "You sent a check. Waiting on my bank to call me" -Yahoo seller
  • ????
  • I find 8kobe following me around the forums commenting after my posts pretty dern lame.

    You got the replacements! Just drop it man!
    60+ sucessful trades on here.
  • You asked the lamest excuse for not sending. Won something on Yahoo, sent a check. 2 weeks later I contacted seller and that was his excuse for not sending. Never received card. He even told me a week after that that he wasn't sending and Yahoo did nothing. Just kept telling me they will investigate. I even forwarded the e-mail where he said he wasn't sending. That was the last time I used Yahoo auction.
  • The PO one is bad because anyone that has a mail box can send mail from home.
    Alan Bierlein


    Refs: epag64, ahares, beave, airjordan22, skivermont3, bigshane, KLS23, Chillinbij, dewey, yanksfan, woodson24kg, danmarinocollector, NBAsteve, ejones06, clearandvalid, JRCCRUM, rooks, koolman2005, Lway7Fan, Bobstar, vittleboy, beasport, burress80, johnsauc, danotoriuos, goyanks01, whitetornado, richpf32

  • << <i>1. i couldnt get to po

    if u cant get to the post office, dont agree on the deal!
    in oas situation, u've had a long time to send, and havent, you cant tell me u didnt get a chance to go to po. get up on saturday, and have ur parents drive u.

    now i can see if it takes u a few days to send, because most of us cant get to po everyday, but if you know u "cant" get to po for a month then dont bother making the deal! >>

    I know a lot of people guilty of that, that post here.
  • uh, AlanB, didnt you rip someone off?
  • good point alanb

    ok auto, didnt quite understand, but do now image
  • 8kobe8kobe Posts: 1,159
    Trfstptch- What Ifind lame is that you accuse me of being a bad trader but you have me posted as a good trader. Pretty funny. ConArtist
    Interested in Kobe Bryant, Game Used, Rare Inserts, Rookies, and Autos.
    References: Derrick(3),Teletubbie, MT Grinch, Kenny21, Awaltz, 2323, sypako, hondo, CoryZbinden(2)biggjc, boopopo2, Cardnyou, nismo68, Speedmaster, Baljit and more

    Owner of the longest actual word in the "One word Post"
  • AlanB was posted as a bad trader...never saw where it was cleared up...maybe he thinks if he disappears for awhile people will forget
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
  • This is funny people that send slow and others that don't send at all CALLING EACH OTHER OUT ........

    This board gets funnier all the time .................
    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • and yeah, that is a lame excuse...if you can't make it to the PO in a reasonable amount of time then don't trade...I send timely and I expect the other trader to do the same unless a problem arises and they LMK
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    you know what I hate? When you send a guy money to insure a card and the
    guy sends it without insurance and then it gets lost. THAT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!

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