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Off topic, but where can I buy Chevy cool gauges (like white)

LMK... I got a 88 Chevy Pickup (88-92 model style I think)
I want some awesome gauge plates or somethin, like white ones, or just some cool ones (dont have to be white, but not black)
Where can I find some and some of the lowest prices?
Or I could make my own... but I bet it'd be hard

I dont want the single tach's... I want like the face plate for the gauges (background) that slip over the existing black background

for example, some of these aren't Chevy nor are they my model year, but take a look so u have an idea of what I'm talking about-






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  • those're dumb....why dont you spend the money on the engine? or buy some glasspack mufflers? Or are you too worried about the looks?
  • glasspacks suck

    I've done somethin to my exhaust to where its loud and illegal

    and I've decided that I am just taking off the face plate guard and I am painting it yellow...
    I can spend $ on the engine but I already have quite a bit in it, high performance chip, and some small other stuff... I'm not going to do anymore yet
    cuz I am getting ready to rebuild a Pontiac 400 and put in my truck and also converting my 5 speed 350 to the automatic floor shifter 400

    I will post a pic of my truck later tonight hopefully
    I collect any D.Masons I dont have

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  • here is a picture about 6 months ago of my truck

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