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today we had are last game of the season against the first place team...and they scored first in the first half and then we scored in the second half and then they got a lucky a$$ goal cause i couldnt strech my foot out far enouch to stop it...then the parents on the other team started cusing at us then a parent of one of my team mates whent to the other teams side with is illegal...then he started arguing with the parents...soo the ref gave him a red card then his son started cusing at the ref soo he got a red card soo we were down a player...but he continued to argue with the ref...soo the ref called the game early soo we lost...and if we won that game we would of came in second place in sonoma county if another team lost...withch i think they did...soo im pretty mad that we lost...cause i have bailed us out so many times but my coach wouldnt let me go up and play forward after they scored there second gola to take the lead...witch i new i could've scored to at least tie the game...but ohh well the gme is over and soo is the season...plus there is all the special turnamets...for doing soo good.
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Wants: all raider cards...tmac...dmiles.

Refs. jbugs...calikev...sonicsfan...baseballman03060...nhl23...baljitgill...magic1fan...narcotikz


raiders record 5-4
my soccer teams record 11-3



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