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Looking to trade for a Gilbert Arenas Auto. LMK i will trade well

My site is in my sig if you have one make me an offer


  • check out clearandvalid's tradelist... i am pretty sure he has a Arenas SAGE HIT auto on there
    Looking for Penn State autographs/memorabilia/cards/etc

    WANTED: Yogi Berra Signed Ron Lewis '69 Mets Postcard
  • I have this:
    2001 SAGE HIT Autographs Die Cut Gilbert Arenas #A30 110/250
    Clearandvalid Tradelist

    Wantlist: V. Carter, Pierce, good basketball rookies and game used.

    Vince Carter RCs: 52.6% Done
    GU: 11 and counting

    Paul Pierce RCs: 63.2% Done
    GU: 6 and counting

    Refs: JRCCRUM, Kenny21, Tvoter, JSA, woodson24kg, mpsteelerfan and others
  • i gots the TCC auto, phat card!
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