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Omar's Cryin

Why would he cry? rodriquez (utw28 go ahead correct my spelling) is a much better defensive player. post what you think but dont hate its my opinion.


  • jack wilson top defensive short stop in the league, BUT nobody will know that since he bats under .300 and plays for the PIRATES...BUT omar is a little better defesively than arod, but over-all arod is oodles better than omar
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  • Overall ARod is the better of the two...but defensively..Omar is slightly better
    60+ sucessful trades on here.
  • Actually, my name is uwftke26, not utw28. Learn to spell.
  • HAHA knew he would come remember:


  • The award is for GOLD GLOVE ARod had 10 errors this past season, Omar had 7. I'd bit$%h to.
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  • << <i>911-GRAMMERPOLICE >>

    couldnt even spell grammar correctly...sheesh
  • yeaa but stats dont make a player. Actually the only baseball team i like is the mariners cuz they are from my state and he started crying about freddy garcias ice. He said it was blinding. lol

    btw: ski grow up
  • seems that uwftke26 has nothing else better to do with his lame little life..... aww lets all feel sorry for him and stick up for him cause he cant seem to do it for himself.... {hows my spelling?}
  • Hey offerman lol you speak the truth, hell probably say you are unintallectiual or some dumb thing to make him look like he has class (he tried his best but horribaly failed)

    There dumb



    haha hes probably goin craazzzyy
  • Hey dont worry about it much, because we knoe we is good spellers like him is.
  • That is a dumb a$$ thing to say. If stats don't make the player, then, what do'es? Popularity? Give me a break. How old are you? Omar's been getting screwed most of his career by all those pretty boy's in the BIG MARKETS. Dude you have no idea what you're talking about!!!!! Dumb A$$
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