"There is a reason hidden behind everything we do in life" - Me "We always strive toward perfection, even though we can never achieve it" "Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for Pain."
yeah.. Eastmonte is about 4 or 5 minutes from my house -- horrible courts with lousy rims, unless they've finally re-done everything -- also last time I was there they had no nets on half of em and just pieces of nets hanging down on the other half
"There is a reason hidden behind everything we do in life" - Me "We always strive toward perfection, even though we can never achieve it" "Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for Pain."
Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's
CU Refs:
playr050, Nash, Patman2011, Sosa21, Car, co1lector,
weasel510, yanyak5, JRCCRUM, Mikefromchester, & ljmaya.
ChipperRedWolf: Like what big city do you live by........just wondering
CU Refs:
playr050, Nash, Patman2011, Sosa21, Car, co1lector,
weasel510, yanyak5, JRCCRUM, Mikefromchester, & ljmaya.
and cards from 01 studio private signings(BB) 96 ex (bkb) and 96 chrome (bkb)
Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
Ref's available
"We always strive toward perfection, even though we can never achieve it"
"Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for Pain."
"We always strive toward perfection, even though we can never achieve it"
"Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for Pain."
the Butterfields...live in the Tuskawilla part of Winter Springs
Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
Yea, I live in Tuscawilla too..........but the name doesnt ring a bell.
Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey