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Don't call my man UWFTKE26 names!

He has his right to have his own opinion too.
60+ sucessful trades on here.


  • I think he can fend for himself

    very sweet sentiment though...sticking up for your man like that
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
  • very sweet sentiment though...sticking up for your man like that

    Tr, looks like Remster's on to us image

    Thanks buddy.
  • Your man hu? lol
  • UWashington, it's understandable that you cannot understand the concept of having friends on here, since no one likes you.
  • UWFTKE26 ohhh nice oone considering thats the same thing i sad to ur sorry a$$ lol. btw: you dont have any friends lol!
  • UWashington...If Uwftke didn't have any friends....why the hell would I post this?

    60+ sucessful trades on here.
  • Hey, I think there is still a picture of UWashington on CU. I'll see if I can find it.
  • image

    This one? image
  • Got to laugh you just do imageimageimageimage

    60+ sucessful trades on here.

  • << <i>He has his right to have his own opinion too. >>

    Yet, funny how I don't have the right to my opinion on the few "oddball" cards I own... hmm...
    "There is a reason hidden behind everything we do in life" - Me
    "We always strive toward perfection, even though we can never achieve it"
    "Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for Pain."
  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭
    lol don't bash Ryan just because your card isn't as valuable as you thought it was
  • that's one single card out of thousands... I don't really care at all
    "There is a reason hidden behind everything we do in life" - Me
    "We always strive toward perfection, even though we can never achieve it"
    "Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for Pain."
  • LOL Undertaker, hey he had it about right....$600...$10...it's all the same.
  • LMAO!!

    60+ sucessful trades on here.

  • << <i>UWashington, it's understandable that you cannot understand the concept of having friends on here, since no one likes you. >>

    he needs friends here because they cant see hes a fat guy who smells and has acne and burps constantly...
  • LMAO T1Mac.....that was some funny sh!t man.
    60+ sucessful trades on here.
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