If your wife is like mine.....jewelry, perfume, gift certificates for clothes, tickets to a good show/play/concert, Victoria's Secret, Coach purses, cds, and candles/decorations for the house always do the trick. Hope that helps:>}.
thats exactly the kinda stuff she likes, but i need help with specific things. any ideas?? maybe something your gettin your wife? ive gotten here a few things, like perfume, clothes, a ring........................need more., lol
Lol, when in doubt buy gift certificates,Or do what I learned to do with my wife a couple years ago,Just hand her the credit card let her go pick it out and then you can wrap and put it under the tree when she gets home.
Women like practical gifts that they can use, like a vacuum cleaner or a blender. Or, get her something that will show you love her and want her to be healthy, like a gym or Jenny Craig membership. Women love when you get them that kind of stuff!
Get her a case of UD Authentics Basketball, that way when she pulls the Michael Jordan Autographed Memorabilia Redemption card, she'll really be happy, if not, you'll at least be able to use it.
I intend on getting my wife a mothers ring... with her birthstone and the birthstone of the kids.. for her birthday I got her a half carat diamond for each ear.
Listen to Ken, he has the right idea , probably why he is married too.
I still collect Tim Duncan! Love all high end auto's, and game used basketball of Tony Parker, and Ginobili too! This means more to me than any card...You can catch me on my site: Highlight Reel Trading
BigE, no matter what you get her be sure that you spent a lot of time, effort, and thought picking it out because they hate it when you grab something at the last minute (even when it's nice.) They can always tell for some strange reason.
If your wife is like mine.....jewelry, perfume, gift certificates for clothes, tickets to a good show/play/concert, Victoria's Secret, Coach purses, cds, and candles/decorations for the house always do the trick. Hope that helps:>}.
Check out these sites - my wife loves this stuff:
Hechts and Macy's always have the newest perfumes that are in fashion. Just go in and ask for help from the sales people...they always hook me up.
I'll be able to score more points than the LAKERS with this gift!!!!!
Alex Rodriguez(SP Die Cut), Kobe Bryant, Dr. J and Jerry West.
Bye Informant. Nice having you around.
that is totally uncalled for...maybe you should make such a purchase and use it to plug your ignorant piehole
Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey