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I have decided to stop collecting and sell my collection

I have been mulling over this the last couple of days and have decided to sell my Chris Webber Collection. I know that if I continue, I will come very close in collecting every single Chris Webber card. But what happens then, I guess I have would own the satisfaction of having the greatest Webber collection, but thats it. Nothing more, nothing less. Just that.

I am currently trying to sell the entire collection on ebay (LINK). I know that it won't sell (unless Im very very lucky) so then I will begin selling it card by card via ebay or taking direct offers.

I would like to thank everyone in helping me reach this far in my collection. It wouldnt even be where I am today without the great traders on CU!!

If you are interested in any of my cards, please let me know.

Baljit Gill


  • that stinks Y? you are almost there hope you change your mind
    my site
    #1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world

    Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515

  • << <i>I have been mulling over this the last couple of days and have decided to sell my Chris Webber Collection. I know that if I continue, I will come very close in collecting every single Chris Webber card. But what happens then, I guess I have would own the satisfaction of having the greatest Webber collection, but thats it. Nothing more, nothing less. Just that.

    I am currently trying to sell the entire collection on ebay (LINK). I know that it won't sell (unless Im very very lucky) so then I will begin selling it card by card via ebay or taking direct offers.

    I would like to thank everyone in helping me reach this far in my collection. It wouldnt even be where I am today without the great traders on CU!!

    If you are interested in any of my cards, please let me know.

    Baljit Gill >>

    You can't quit. I already applied and filled that "getting out" job. You will just have to wait on the next openning. image
  • No Dustin, this is done. Im going to sell it all. I agree with Autobilia. I might keep some of the rare ones and sell the rest. I rather buy some nice UDA autographed framed jerseys. All the cards just sit in a box. Lost the passion really.
  • LOL at Autobilia. Im joining ya!!
  • You Probably won't get that for it. Why not start it low and have a reserve? At least you will get some bidding going and who knows might meet reserve. At least then you will field all the emails (offeres etc) This way, you have put your price and that's it.....well hope you get a bid on it.

  • << <i>LOL at Autobilia. Im joining ya!! >>

    That was my reasoning behind it. I rarely even look at the cards. I see the scans more than I see the actual cards. I'm about to get a second job and do web design on the side, so I know I won't be paying attention to them much at all. The only thing that use to keep me collecting is the challenge. First it was the Final Cuts which was a little too easy, so I move to a tougher set, Classic Cuts. Soon as it is finished, that's it unless I buy cheap to make 3x-10x+ of what I pay for it. I prefer to get back into autographs and memorabilia (non-cards). Stuff I can get framed and hang on the walls. Whenever I decide to move, I don't have to worry about hauling boxes of cards with me.
  • Aw Baljit image You are going to leave me in collecting our favorite players image I'm sorry that the excitement has left for you. I get discouraged at times myself, but I plan on hanging in there, so keep looking for Tims for me image Good luck in whatever you do tho image
    I still collect Tim Duncan! Love all high end auto's, and game used basketball of Tony Parker, and Ginobili too! image This means more to me than any card...You can catch me on my site: Highlight Reel Trading
  • Auto this is about the third time you have filled out that getting out paper.
    Is this time the real time?


  • Vincecarder, I can make more selling it separately which i plan to do. Thats just a one-time sell hoping to find someone very rich!!

    Thats all. I fully expect not to sell it on ebay and sell separately.

  • wow, I never thought i would see the day....

    Bal, are you gonna still be trading???
    "You tell me; I hear , you teach me; I listen, you show me; I learn" -- ???

    Join My Forums/
  • yeah joyce he is leaving us one more good trader and player collector gone
    my site
    #1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world

    Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515
  • Auto, your right!!

    Duncangal, I will always look for Duncans for ya

    Sosa, what the hell are you talking about...
  • just talking to autobilia that all image
    good luck on your auction


  • << <i>Auto this is about the third time you have filled out that getting out paper.
    Is this time the real time?

    Yay >>

    what you mean 3rd time. I've always been selling even though it's nearly impossible to sell here. Got tired of the slow selling and "will you trade" responses, so I went to Ebay and posted whatever and just took what was given. Use to collect Iverson, but sold my entire collection to mtgrinch. Post a bunch of for sale stuff here and no serious responses. You buying or something? Didn't think so.

  • << <i>Vincecarder, I can make more selling it separately which i plan to do. Thats just a one-time sell hoping to find someone very rich!!

    Thats all. I fully expect not to sell it on ebay and sell separately.

    BG >>

    That's what I'm going to do with the Final Cuts if the set doesn't sell.
  • I've only been here for a bit but I hate to see you stop this collection now. I hope you will change your mind as you already have an amazing collection going. At least keep them around if you decide to continue in the future unless you really need the money. Hope you don't stop.
    Looking for any cards of Dan Dickau. And I can use a lot of autos.
    Please visit my page at http://groups.msn.com/JonsCardCollection or e-mail me at ss_jon@hotmail.com
  • Thanks Jon21, but im definitely done.

  • << <i>Thanks Jon21, but im definitely done. >>

    What will you do in the after life? image
  • I'm always buying auto.

  • Wow thats a huge collection. Unfortunetly, I don't think Chris Webber stuff isnt a hot ebay item, is it? You would know more than anyone! Good Luck, maybe he will buy it for himself image
    Am I speaking Chinese?

  • I'll be the first, and probably only oen to call you stupid. Every year more BKB product comes out, which means every year there will be more chris webber's. Keep it pass it on to the next generation in your family. Don't break that sweet ass collection up and sell it.
  • Thanks BigShame for your great insight.

  • << <i>Chill image >>

    I'm going to start collecting dollar bills image. 2 jobs, plus web design. I have one project already for a local independent record label. Charging them $600 ($120 is for a year of hosting and $15 for domain name for a year), so I clear $465.

    Hehe, time to get that DVD player and monitor for the mini-van image. Oh, and my next job, I get free cable internet access. image Another bill I don't have to worry about.

    The problem with cards is that there is no excitement anymore. Too much game used that is tooo easy to get which is why I only dealt with patches. There are too many different rookie cards of each athlete. You never get anything that pays for the boxes anymore. Beckett BV controls people. and the list goes on. Nothing surprises me anymore. People buy packs or boxes in hopes of pulling that "pull of a lifetime". I've done that. Others have a goal of collecting a player or set. I've done that with all Iverson rookie year cards and Final Cut set. Redemption programs are a joke now. You may or may not receive. And after talking with Beckett and some of these card companies, I believe card pricing is fixed (of course). Some of the card companies are clueless in what is released because majority use vendors to make and pack out the cards. All they have is paperwork to go by, but they have no hands on knowledge of what gets out.

  • << <i>I'll be the first, and probably only oen to call you stupid. Every year more BKB product comes out, which means every year there will be more chris webber's. Keep it pass it on to the next generation in your family. Don't break that sweet ass collection up and sell it. >>

    How is that stupid? Think about it, as long as they continue to make a player's cards, that fan will always have something to look forward to and will keep collecting. Look at my example. I collected Fred Williamson cards. I have them all, now what? End of collecting. There will be no more cards made of him, so what fun is that?
  • Auto, valid points. Im gonna pay some bills and maybe buy some framed auto jerseys for the games room and chill out.

    Also, your right. Beckett is the biggest rip!! Cant stand them. Bunch of ripoff artists who have no idea on whats happening in the market.
  • i talked with baljit on aim about this...

    just dont do it buddy, youve got a great thing going here, just want ya to think on it before ya does anything too quickly image

  • << <i>Auto, valid points. Im gonna pay some bills and maybe buy some framed auto jerseys for the games room and chill out.

    Also, your right. Beckett is the biggest rip!! Cant stand them. Bunch of ripoff artists who have no idea on whats happening in the market. >>

    Well, after asking Beckett why did they drop the game used in the 01 Fleer Genuine set, they responded with some across the board nonsense which had nothing to do with that specific set. So, they basically drop stuff at will and not report current market pricing. There is a TON that Beckett doesn't know, yet people see them as the Bible of sportscard pricing. Here's an example. 01 Fleer Genuine Material Issue set. They list Curt Schilling as SP/120 and Pedro Martinez SP/60. They book Paul Molitor and Edgar Martinez as commons. The Molitor sells for $40 on Ebay & Yahoo easy, but only books at $15. The Martinez sells for book or a little more. I've only seen 6 Martinez and only 2 Molitors. I finally got around to asking Fleer about those being short printed because they are extremely hard to find. Turns out that only 60 Molitors were produced and 132 Edgars were produced, but I think only 50 Molitors were packed out (the rest held for replacements) and roughly 120 Martinez was packed out (the rest were held for replacements). With that in mind, why doesn't Beckett list those as SP's? If I, someone basically off the street, can find out this info, why can't Beckett? That's why "BV" is meaningless when selling. It's only a good reference when trading.
  • Auto, your a wise man. image

    Quiksilver, thanks for being a good friend, but its over!!
  • Quiter image Good luck in whatever you chose to do, why not collect inperson Auto's and a player (LIKE ME image)

    Good luck
  • Jeff, theres nothing in collecting that gets me excited. The collecting webber cards would never end.

    Ill probably get some nice signed framed jerseys and let it at that.
  • Baljit my friend, i can't believe my own eyes.. i had to stop and think for a sec, is today April fools day. I can't believe you lost that collecting feeling lol . well i wish you luck on your auction and i hope this dosen't mean your leaving us here on CU image

    " Im going to start collecting dollar bills " . i like that auto image
  • Well, LMK if/when you start putting the singles up; even if I don't actively collect him per se I always look for good deals almost regardless of player... can't help it, I like the hunt image

    You could get some sort of framing for the more valuable cards or the ones you personally like... I might do that with some Shaq cards providing I can get some higher-end cards (have one jersey card and two of the Shaq UD rookies, will definitely want more image )

    Anyhoo, you've been a great seller, and maybe I'll do some more buying some point in the future image

    Kobe Who? image At least Dwyane pays proper respect to Da Big Aristotle image

    Yes, I collect shiny modern crap image

    All your Shaq are belong to me image
  • Thanks buddy. Ill still be here chatting away. Love the board!!

    Yeah, I cant believe I lost the passion, but i have. I did a while ago but didnt wanna believe it. I kept buying more to hopfully outrun it, but i cant.

    Hey, i have some kobe/webber cards if intersted. LMK
  • Thanks Bjork. Let me know what interests you and ill give ya a price image
  • yes Baljit i would be interested in some of the kobe/webber's..i'll have to check and see if i have any webbers you might need. umm. never mind. sorry image .. shoot me a pm with what you have

    thanks, dave
  • PM sent Kobecollector

  • Sorry to hear Baljitgill. Does that mean I can't top your " I need Webber" threads any more?? image

    I agree with Vince Carder. You might want to list it with a $1.00 MB and put a decent reserve on it just to see how much people will pay.

    Good luck!
    Looking for former University of Arizona NBA RC's in PSA or BGS 9's/GEM MINT grades. Die hard University of Arizona and Bay Area Sports fan.
  • hahha nice joke!
    man please, dont!
    come on man your so close! not Now!
    all of us here envy your collection, dont sell it all!!!!
  • Its a shame to put all the long hours of work getting your collection to what is in... throw it all away on ebay. I hope you reconsider... but if not... then good luck in whatever you go for next :-)
  • i saw him pour his heart into that collection and he built in under 2 years i believe... dont do it!
    man ill come kick your but in canada image
    im thinking the same, just collect autos on cards and the gu cards i have now keep them but get no more cause its out of hand, and just collect autos and wristbands.... its something new...
    i hope u reconsider....

  • << <i>i saw him pour his heart into that collection and he built in under 2 years i believe... dont do it!
    man ill come kick your but in canada image
    im thinking the same, just collect autos on cards and the gu cards i have now keep them but get no more cause its out of hand, and just collect autos and wristbands.... its something new...
    i hope u reconsider.... >>

    Don't do it? It's just cards.. err cardboard.
  • auto maybe its just cardboard to you because your mr. scrooge sitting there trying to make every d@mn $1 possible. you said you were going to leave weeks ago then just do it and stop filling in with your 2 cents like anyone cares. Lets break it down: this is a buy sell and trade forum. You wont buy because you cant afford to give away some of your precious money, you wont sell because I guess were too poor here like you say, and you wont trade because you have 10000 different reasons not to....then just leave. Maybe collecting is different to other people then what you think. Go collect your dollar bills, and leave us card collectors to trade without your .2 about trading every d@mn post.
    My Cards

    CU References: 65 and counting

  • DONT DO IT! I hate to see people stop collecting something they have done for so long.

    On the other have pm me the game-used or auto. C-Webb card that you will sell me the cheapest, I need only 1.

  • << <i>auto maybe its just cardboard to you because your mr. scrooge sitting there trying to make every d@mn $1 possible. you said you were going to leave weeks ago then just do it and stop filling in with your 2 cents like anyone cares. Lets break it down: this is a buy sell and trade forum. You wont buy because you cant afford to give away some of your precious money, you wont sell because I guess were too poor here like you say, and you wont trade because you have 10000 different reasons not to....then just leave. Maybe collecting is different to other people then what you think. Go collect your dollar bills, and leave us card collectors to trade without your .2 about trading every d@mn post. >>

    Quit whining. My 2 cents is worth as much as your 2 cents. Live with it crybaby. It's just cardboard. And I sell all the time. As a matter of fact, I sold 2 cards today. Didn't know that did you? I guess I need to report my sales to you, right? Go back under a rock or something.
  • Baljit, if it no longer interest you, sell. These people here are not paying your bills or buying cards for you. If you don't look at them and have lost interest, by all means... ditch them. Keep what you like and sell the rest. It's almost like co-workers telling you to stay at a job that you are no longer happy at. You are the one searchign for all the Webbers, not the people who are telling you not to stop. You are the one trading and buying them, no these people telling you not to do it. Do what's best for you, not them. hehe how selfish of them.
  • WOW!!

    First thing I have to say is that the people on this board are the greatest. I got a bunch of PM's from people telling me to keep going. Unreal.

    Thanks everyone for your kind words but I dont know...i think its over.

    Thank you again!!
  • Its an amazing collection...stay with it. Youve accomplished a lot...sometimes its just not about the $$$ anymore

    If you get rid of them, you will regret it someday
    My Cards

    CU References: 65 and counting

  • NBASteve, good points. Not sure. Lost the passion for collecting. I dont know. All confused...lol.
  • dont do it yo, i mean it, you better not, i am already planning a trip to canada for a raps magic game, dont make me swing by your house and knock some sense into you!
    come on man dont give up now, take it off ebay!
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