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Pacman and vittles...

Just wondering, may I be taken off the TR bad list? Looking back it's easy to see I should have sent vittle's cards back but he has even said that he traded the Kobe/KG for 2 cards he really wanted so he is fine with me. The first time we traded it took over a month and a lot of begging to get him to send my cards so I could have turned him in to you. Oh, that's right, he was already on the TR bad list long before. Here's a few of my CU refs for you:

psasports baseballfan80 cbc2002 yanksfan playr050 crunchychicken tortoise vittleboy ejones06 ehthockey09 chillinbij mightymouse weasel510 moss84 taylor28jag truballer chrisdaballa ljmaya baljitgill battier joebenson tmac21 vincesanity remster bud liveandlearn skivermont3 quiksilver77 thematrix31 1982carddealer nowitzki samsgirl214 trfstptch collector181

I also have like 45 other refs from misc. trading sites listed on my tradepage. My ebay id is pacmancardz and I have zero neutrals or negatives, unlike you. PLMK

Thanks for asking but NO i wont remove you. Have a nice day. image
Eric G.
Grams Sportscards
email: gschomi@aol.com
Ebay id: Mpwer (530+ feedbacks)
TR council
Stay safe, always send insured


  • There he goes throwin around his power
    Lookin' to trade!!!! AIM- OCSTREETBALLIN04
  • In my eyes PacMan & Vittle are Great Traders ~ You on the other hand (MPower) are not. You take the "power" you have on TR and pretty much abuse it. PacMan/Vittle/Plus Others are deserving to be in TR. You simply don't let them in because of personal problems towards them. You suck! Have a good day!

    PS: I will not make anymore replies to this. Oh ~ and no this is not trying to get back at you for not letting me in TR. SCS started and is much better then TR. BOW DOWN TR!
  • SCS is worse than peggys....thats bad
  • mpower, why'd you rip that guy for that Ichiro SPx RC?

    Oh, I know what you're going to say, "He's lying."

    Well, if the criteria for being on the TR bad list is having an azzload of good refs and then having one person lie about you then that means you have qualified for the list. Put yourself on it you poser.

    Have a nice day.image

  • << <i>SCS is worse than peggys....thats bad >>

  • lol you guys....pacman and mpower and good traders, vittle is a lying sack of scum

  • << <i>lol you guys....pacman and mpower and good traders, vittle is a lying sack of scum >>

    You have to admit. these argurments are entertaining.
  • its especially funny when a 14 yr old fat ass piece of crap who is reknowned to be a bad trader makes such comments..
  • And big Frank knocks one deep..... LOL

    I'd challenge you to a battle of wits...... but you appear unarmed

    "Stop talking, negotiating,
    Your feeble attempts at world peace
    Give me a %#@*ing break
    Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
    And when the whole damn world is dead
    there's your %#@*ing peace"
  • ouch..BAM right in the chest of the BIG man
    Lookin' to trade!!!! AIM- OCSTREETBALLIN04
  • mcdee, you talkin about me or vittle? I know I deserve to be taken off the list, don't know about vittle. He's the reason I'm on it, guess he wanted to take someone down with him. I don't think people who are on the bad trader list already should be able to get other people put on. You don't trust them to be a good trader but you trust them to tell you who isn't. wtf?
  • mcdee2mcdee2 Posts: 1,150
    sorry... shoulda been more specific.. it was about fatshane.
  • LOL mcdee you talk a lot of $hit over the internet. Does it matter? Nope. Not to me atleast. "FatShane" would stomp a "Mud Hole" in your ass. Believe it or not old man, I'd break your hip.
  • mcdee2mcdee2 Posts: 1,150
    PS: I will not make anymore replies to this. Oh ~ and no this is not trying to get back at you for not letting me in TR. SCS started and is much better then TR. BOW DOWN TR!

    Who typed that?? You have proven your mouth is as fat as your ass..
  • ouch frank that was low!
    refs:Allenimage, knicks644, kls23, nismo68, kobecollector, truballer, nodoubt64, abandcards,ahares, jccrum, dmiles89, thematrix31, heelsfan1, joebenson, amfox1, metros69, tmac21, l3ulls4us, 90 more email refs on my site ..28 ebay refs

    bad traders:
    bradely25 aka JBSportscards


  • << <i>mpower, why'd you rip that guy for that Ichiro SPx RC?

    Oh, I know what you're going to say, "He's lying."

    Well, if the criteria for being on the TR bad list is having an azzload of good refs and then having one person lie about you then that means you have qualified for the list. Put yourself on it you poser.

    Have a nice day.image >>

    I know you don't use your head for more then a battering ram but if you look closely at the feedback system on Ebay you would notice that i gave the guy a negative first and he retaliated. In fact all 4 negatives i received were retaliation for ones i left first. IM not afraid to leave negatives for dishonest sellers and buyers on Ebay because that is what the feedback system is used for. I have left 17 negatives for idiots on Ebay since November 1998. The particular idiot you mentioned that left me the retaliation feedback (for the SPX Ichiro auto 600.00) hasn't been active on Ebay since i reported him as a fraud and filed the necessary forms thru Ebays fraud protection program. If anyone would like to see the links or emails form Ebay and Paypal about the case i would be more then happy to provide them. This transaction was done back in August and on Friday, November 8th i got my 600.00 back thru Paypal/Visa and the idiots Paypal account has been frozen and i suspect his Ebay privileges will be terminated shortly. Now why am i telling you this...because maybe somewhere in that battering ram head of yours you might learn to check out something before you open you piehole and insert your foot. As far as me removing you from the bad trader list...wont happen unless you make your trade right with vittles. He is the one that requested i put you on it and i tend to agree with you being on there.

    And the reason i have the balls to keep a bad trader list public is so honest traders know to stay away from people like you and the others on that list. I take a lot of heat for having that list public and there are not many that would put up with the shiat that i do keeping the list active. But i know its saved many honest traders and it will keep them from getting ripped off in the future.

    By the way Mpower has nothing to do with cards or "power" for me. It has to do with a certain make of automobile that i race on the weekends.

    Have a nice day. image
    Eric G.
    Grams Sportscards
    email: gschomi@aol.com
    Ebay id: Mpwer (530+ feedbacks)
    TR council
    Stay safe, always send insured
  • Im a little dissapointed to see the staff of TR Talking like this on a Trading Forum, it doesnt leave a good impression about how things are run over there. Besides what would your mother think?
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