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Its been weeks now and I still haven't got my Wilhelm autograph?? I paid for
insurance and all I need is the form to claim but this guy has fallen off the face
of the earth! Anyone seen or heard from this guy?? Anyone else get shorted??



  • Ah Ha! Jbugs... you say I ripped you off? Shlt don't try that.
  • How did you send payment ??????
    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • joestalin, I don't know, does your a$$ hurt?
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    I sent a check which he cashed two weeks ago, he kept saying that he forgot
    to send it. I mean, how can you get ripped off when you actually pay for
    insurance?? Oh well, Ill have his address in the morning when the bank calls.

  • I got the lil' biznatchs address

  • << <i>Its been weeks now and I still haven't got my Wilhelm autograph?? I paid for
    insurance and all I need is the form to claim but this guy has fallen off the face
    of the earth! Anyone seen or heard from this guy?? Anyone else get shorted??

    Kevin >>

    As a rule of thumb now, since a buyer claims he never received the Andruw Jones Final Cut 2-color Patch card I sent, I am going to start sending "delivery confirmation" for now on. That way the receiver can't say they didn't receive. I noticed jbugs hasn't been around. Hope you get your stuff.
  • bigshane, ur a dipsh*t.

    now first off, i sent over a week ago. Bubble mailer(didnt send insured, my mistake), but have reciept from post office. It shows date sent, and where it was sent to, and cost of shipment. Once i get my scanner up and going again(hasnt worked in months) ill post the pic. If i remember correctly, a few other people have posted with mail being slow. This could very easily be the case.
  • auto- havent been on in a while? ive been here every day! you guys want my addy, here it is

    Jon Gordon
    936 Randy RD
    Sparta WI 54656

    want my phone #?? here ya go, (608) 269-4058
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭

    I believe that you sent the card, but Im disappointed that you didn't send it insured
    because now Im out a nice auto.

  • like i said, the mail is probably slow. If i remember correctly a couple other people were saying that it was taking a couple weeks for them to get their cards.
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