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I have the following cards for sale lmk which ones you would like to buy through PM I accept Paypal and will also accept checks, money orders or cash/ Also if a price is to high make an offer to lower the price. Also if you want a scan of a card lmk and I will send you a pic of the card.

00-01 UD Game Jersey Keith Van Horn BV $25 $8
00-01 Stadium Club Jersey Stromile Swift BV$25 $8
01-02 Fleer Focus Jersey Edition Materialistic Away Karl Malone (Not Game Used) BV$20 $8
01-02 UD Playmakers Antione Walker Gold Game Warm Up #203/250 BV$18.75 $9
01-02 Topps Champions and Contenders Challenging the Champ Shawn Marion Jersey BV $15 $6
01-02 UD Flight Team Flight Patterns Baron Davis 2 Color BV $15+ $12
01-02 UD Flight Team Jersey Jams Tyson Chandler BV $25 $13
01-02 UD Hardcourt UD Game Floor Kevin Garnett Blue BV $15 $8
01-02 UD Honor Roll Fab Floor Duos Kevin Garnett/Terrel Brandon BV $20 $10
01-02 Fleer Shoebox Sole of the Game Jersey Antoine Walker #48/200 $25 $9
01-02 Fleer Showcase Antoine Walker Beasts of the East BV$20 $7
01-02 UD Rookie Threads Joe Johnson BV $30 $10
01-02 UD Playmakers Jersey Eddy Curry #/350 BV $25 $10
01-02 Premium Premuim Preformers Jersey Grant Hill BV $20 $8
01-02 UD Sweet Shot Jersey Allen Iverson BV $50 $22
02-03 Sage Jersey Jarard Jefferies 2 Color (2nd Color is a piece from his auto on the jersey RARE) BV $20+ $15
02-03 SP Game Used All Star Jersey Dirk Nowitzki BV $25 $10
02-03 Fleer Genuine Genuine Leaders Jason Kidd Jersey BV $20 $9
02-03 Flair Courting Kings Dual Jersey/Ball Vince Carter #91/100 (has part of the A from NBA on the basketball) BV $80+ $45
02-03 Flair Jersey Heights Allen Iverson BV $25 $10

02-03 SP Game Used Rookie Auto Melvin Ely #5/100 BV $50 $25

02-03 Flair ROW 2 Jamaal Tinsley #20/25 RARE BV $???? $45

Thanks Scott
Here is my site:
Aol ID: sm33nsacity

Please contact me if you have any Stephon Marburys or Ruben Boumtje Boumtje's or Amare Stoudemire's I need.

REFS: baljitgill, awaltz, KOBEcollector, TEDCOLLECTSSHAQ, TrFstPtch, duncangal


  • ttt
    Here is my site:
    Aol ID: sm33nsacity

    Please contact me if you have any Stephon Marburys or Ruben Boumtje Boumtje's or Amare Stoudemire's I need.

    REFS: baljitgill, awaltz, KOBEcollector, TEDCOLLECTSSHAQ, TrFstPtch, duncangal
  • Come on there are good cards here
    Here is my site:
    Aol ID: sm33nsacity

    Please contact me if you have any Stephon Marburys or Ruben Boumtje Boumtje's or Amare Stoudemire's I need.

    REFS: baljitgill, awaltz, KOBEcollector, TEDCOLLECTSSHAQ, TrFstPtch, duncangal
  • Tip from one hopeful seller to another: most of those prices would have to drop at least 30% in order to attract much interest here, if only because people are used to buying stuff at ebay prices. Not meaning to be a spoilsport but it's just my honest observation image

    Oh, could you get me a scan of that "dinged" Odom dual GU? If it's not horrible I might still want it, since I'm not really planning on turning it around or getting rid of it anytime soon. Regardless, I'm sure we can work something out so where you get the Marion (edit! I mean Marbury) One of a Kind and I get some things that interest me image LMK
    Kobe Who? image At least Dwyane pays proper respect to Da Big Aristotle image

    Yes, I collect shiny modern crap image

    All your Shaq are belong to me image
  • as long as there is an ebay you can rest assured those cards will go unsold.i'll give you 25 bucks for the whole lot
  • lol yea i know but the carter sells for like $35-$40 on ebay so nice try lol
    Here is my site:
    Aol ID: sm33nsacity

    Please contact me if you have any Stephon Marburys or Ruben Boumtje Boumtje's or Amare Stoudemire's I need.

    REFS: baljitgill, awaltz, KOBEcollector, TEDCOLLECTSSHAQ, TrFstPtch, duncangal
  • Oh yea i know about the ebay prices i buy marburys all the time so i understand
    Here is my site:
    Aol ID: sm33nsacity

    Please contact me if you have any Stephon Marburys or Ruben Boumtje Boumtje's or Amare Stoudemire's I need.

    REFS: baljitgill, awaltz, KOBEcollector, TEDCOLLECTSSHAQ, TrFstPtch, duncangal
  • will u trade lmk
    My New Site
    Only Looking for Caron Butler right now or stuff to improve my tradelist
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