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WOW, Can someone say RIPOFF????

yikes, do a better job with the titles or whatever if youre gonna rip people off....lol

Ebay Retard


  • A couple of those cards are nice but the starting bids are higher than the final bids should be. Not too mention the titles, but hey, you found them so I guess it worked.
  • he has a 2 rating, and is selling some major high end cards...i was looking for a marino/manning co-sigs and came across that guy...very suspect if you ask me...
  • He's not the smartest poster, but why cal him a ripoff? He has pics and they don't look like they are stolen from other auctions, as they all have the same background.

    Now Closed For Good

    REFERENCES: check rmcards4u

    Looking for tough Game Used and Autos in Football and Baseball, expecially Phillies, Orioles, Redskins, Steelers, Eagles and Raiders.
  • ehhhhhh...im just saying its very suspect...
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