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Football Boxes for Christmas..Tuff choice

Im looking to get some football boxes for christmas. I am 16, and my parence have already approved of it (yay!). They told me to make a list of 3-4 boxes that I would like. Im interested in boxs that is fairly new (2001 or 2002) and has good odds of pulling GU/Autos, but its GU/Autos dont book from $8-$25. I have narrowed it down to these three, lmk what everyone thinks. Also since the first two boxes are alittle pricy, i may just chip in alittle just to be fair.

2001 Playoff Absolute Memorabilia (Auto mini helmet, and GU/Autos book high!)
2001 Contenders (Very nice autograph insert sets)
2001 Honors (Lots of rare cards that are too rare too book, like auto jerseys /25 etc.)

Theres lots of nice stuff in them and most of their gu/autos book high. I was thinking about 2002 Leaf Certified, but all of its GU books so low its not worth $100. If anyone has any other ideas lmk.


Lets Go Buffalo!


Seth's Cards

Trading/Buying all high end BILLS GU/Autos! ! !


  • i would go with

    2001 contenders
    2002 absolute
    2001 absolute or sp auhentic
    looking for nice football gu/autos (warner,culpepper,manning,favre,ect..)
    -richie rich

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