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No School!

Not sure why, but who cares? Exactly nobody!


  • wish i was where u waz... school goes on here image
  • Veterans Day...paid day off from work for me
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  • hmmmm, i got jipped me and everyone else at my company has work today
  • That sucks. I had school...but I had last Thursday and Friday off...so I guess it's an even trade..sucks because no mail!
    60+ sucessful trades on here.

  • << <i>Not sure why, but who cares? Exactly nobody! >>

    who cares? who cares about the millions of men who died protecting our freedom in wars, right? who cares about the veterans who survived these tragic events, protecting our country, right? this day is cool cause you dont have school, not to honor those men, right? before you say something dumb, and i know this part is hard...but think. ass.

  • << <i>Not sure why, but who cares? Exactly nobody! >>

    what do you mean "nobody" cares? As quik says, you really should think before you post something.
  • See, this is the reason why 9/11 should not be a paid holiday off. Kids will just get off of school and think its just a free day off w/o knowing why you are really off. Then there would be all kinds of sales and everything going on. People would be profiting off the suffering of others. How does this sound? "To celebrate the holiday 9/11 we will be having a sale on all model airplanes!" I mean you could just vomit if that happened
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  • << <i>Not sure why, but who cares? Exactly nobody! >>

    I care. And I am sure everyone else on this board cares. Really, think before you do speak.
  • BigShane, think before you speak. As the others said, a lot of folks today are mourning losses and you say, "who cares".

    Classless. But we are used to that.
  • Shane, did you get kicked out again or was there alot of tornado damage?
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  • Nobdoy cares. <<<<<<< NOONE DOES!

    It wasn't for Vet's Day. It was because a water pipe broke under the school and it was flooding underground or something. So nobody would care about this. We got to school and a principal was yelling school was cancelled and tog et the hell out. No joke.

  • << <i>Nobdoy cares. <<<<<<< NOONE DOES!

    It wasn't for Vet's Day. It was because a water pipe broke under the school and it was flooding underground or something. So nobody would care about this. We got to school and a principal was yelling school was cancelled and tog et the hell out. No joke. >>


    j/k image
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  • lmao Lee, i was thinking the exact same thing right before your post came up, lol image
  • Just so happens there were a bunch of tornados here and a lot of "stuff" got "messed" up.
  • kr580kr580 Posts: 4,420 ✭✭
    f--ker... my Grandpa & Grandma are Vets of WWII... were stationed in Guam... my Gpa drove one of the ships that drove everyone to the beaches
  • for the many, thanks guys, people really do care, even if your water pipe did break...

  • << <i>Just so happens there were a bunch of tornados here and a lot of "stuff" got "messed" up. >>

    LMFAO...w/e..my grandpa is a WWII vet, and was very infulential in the war, he had to go through some very hard times, and I take great offense to your thoughtless immature comments, thats all.

  • BIG SHAME (that is right,isn't it??)

    I had a father that survived Pearl Harbor and fought in the Pacific Theatre.He lost many buddies and even more soldiers in his company fighting for the rights and privledges that you take for granted today,(such as school and card collecting).As a matter of fact,using the computer is a form of free speech that was GIVEN to you by the men and women who sacrificed on foreign soil and many never returned.The next time you voice an opinion,try to say something that is thought out first.People will respect your views more and you will be a better person for it.
    Please be kind to me. Even though I'm now a former postal employee, I'm still capable of snapping at any time.
  • I wasn't talking about Vet's Day! We had school today it was cancelled because of a freaking water leak.
  • Oh, and as you can clearly see it's BigShane. You must have not had good schooling as a child.
  • I'm a 4 Year Veteran of the USAF, heck I worked today, still am working on call..Go figure image
    Am I speaking Chinese?


  • << <i>Not sure why, but who cares? Exactly nobody! >>

    So you didn't know...then you found out later in the day? WTF?

    << <i>We got to school and a principal was yelling school was cancelled and tog et the hell out. No joke. >>

    So in other words, you got to school, your principal told you to get the hell out (and he didn't tell why), then you got home and made this thread about you didn't know why you didn't have school and then you found out later today? WTF? That doesn't fit at all.

  • Like i've said before. Shane is an idiot.
  • today was Veterans day. Every school in the US had today off. It is a national holiday.

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  • Our school did not have the day off...

    I went to school principal said get out school is cancelled instead of runnign after him I simply said ok, whatever. Then my friend showed up and I got a ride home from his Mother. Later in the day I found out because my friend emailed me and todl me what happened. This post had nothing to do with Vet's day. Again a say it had nothing to do with Vet's day. As a matter of fact I had a grandpa who was a War Vet.
  • YOu shouldnt have said anything about no school in the first placve. NO ONE CARES about you not having school, its veterans day.
    Rest in peace Josh, we'll all miss you
  • seth- it may be a national holiday, but we had school today.
  • Yep, I had school also. Of course college is different, but it is a public college so you would think the same applies to them as public schools
    Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail czimme7777@aol.com

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  • we had school today but we should've got out because its Veterans Day and some kids might want to visit them
    And also there were a few other schools around here that got out but us...
    I mean, com'mon Adair H.S. council... think, its Veterans Day...
    To me, its not just a day for school, but more importantly a day to remember the lives of the Soldiers and those people that served for our country...
    I hear coaches always say "God and family is first, School is second, and this is third"
    Thats not true... I put it-
    "God is first, family is second, freedom and being a US citizen is third, respecting others is fourth, education is fifth, and everything else is sixth"
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