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A Couple of Jason Richardson Rookies for Trade!!!

Please PM me or reply to this post if you are intrested!!!
You may also IM me on AOL at Pimpindeez2

2001-02 Fleer Focus Jason Richardson (RC) #123 1413/1850
2001-02 Fleer Force Jason Richardson (RC) #105 763/999
2001-02 Upper Deck MVP Jason Richardson (RC) #209
Clearandvalid Tradelist

Wantlist: V. Carter, Pierce, good basketball rookies and game used.

Vince Carter RCs: 52.6% Done
GU: 11 and counting

Paul Pierce RCs: 63.2% Done
GU: 6 and counting

Refs: JRCCRUM, Kenny21, Tvoter, JSA, woodson24kg, mpsteelerfan and others


  • i need te first 2 check my sig and lmk
    My New Site
    Only Looking for Caron Butler right now or stuff to improve my tradelist
  • I need the Pierce and some of your Carter Rcs.
    Clearandvalid Tradelist

    Wantlist: V. Carter, Pierce, good basketball rookies and game used.

    Vince Carter RCs: 52.6% Done
    GU: 11 and counting

    Paul Pierce RCs: 63.2% Done
    GU: 6 and counting

    Refs: JRCCRUM, Kenny21, Tvoter, JSA, woodson24kg, mpsteelerfan and others
  • how much in bv would you give me for the peirce
    My New Site
    Only Looking for Caron Butler right now or stuff to improve my tradelist
  • I will give you $25 BV for it because it books for $20
    Clearandvalid Tradelist

    Wantlist: V. Carter, Pierce, good basketball rookies and game used.

    Vince Carter RCs: 52.6% Done
    GU: 11 and counting

    Paul Pierce RCs: 63.2% Done
    GU: 6 and counting

    Refs: JRCCRUM, Kenny21, Tvoter, JSA, woodson24kg, mpsteelerfan and others
  • what r u talkin about it doesnt book yet its 02-03 flair
    My New Site
    Only Looking for Caron Butler right now or stuff to improve my tradelist
  • It sure does. The new beckett is out and it's listed in there. Also I have Beckett online pricing and it books for $20.
    Clearandvalid Tradelist

    Wantlist: V. Carter, Pierce, good basketball rookies and game used.

    Vince Carter RCs: 52.6% Done
    GU: 11 and counting

    Paul Pierce RCs: 63.2% Done
    GU: 6 and counting

    Refs: JRCCRUM, Kenny21, Tvoter, JSA, woodson24kg, mpsteelerfan and others
  • ive got the november beckett infront of me and its not listed in there and its also a box topper #'d to 375 u know that part also right
    My New Site
    Only Looking for Caron Butler right now or stuff to improve my tradelist
  • PM Sent
    Clearandvalid Tradelist

    Wantlist: V. Carter, Pierce, good basketball rookies and game used.

    Vince Carter RCs: 52.6% Done
    GU: 11 and counting

    Paul Pierce RCs: 63.2% Done
    GU: 6 and counting

    Refs: JRCCRUM, Kenny21, Tvoter, JSA, woodson24kg, mpsteelerfan and others
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