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Can anyone tell me who card #121 from 02-03 Fleer Genuine is?

I got a redemption for this RC card today and I'm just wondering if it's worth redeeming. So if anyone can tell me who it is I'd appreciate it.
BigE187211, Injun01 (2 times), sonicsfan, ChrisDaBalla, (2 times), funnyguy0015, mattdogg, uwftke26, KBryant1 (5 times), vincesanity, battier (5 times), AzianPhenom, shaqmanningfan, Woodson24kg, IversonMiles, 4sportcollector, Phil2347, ejones06, Biechner24, l3ulls4us, Knicks644

I am mainly just looking for Desmond Mason.


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