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Looking for NO Saints and Hornets rc's, GU and autos

Im looking for any Saints and Hornets rookies, GU and autos.

Looking for Saints, LSU RCs, GU and Autos.
Also 00 SP Authentic rookies and SoTT Autos in Football.


KLS23, ahares,dewey,49erfan33,ejones06,ajbry,Quasar31


  • 8kobe8kobe Posts: 1,159
    hey i have a baron davis ud ovation jersey for trade.
    Interested in Kobe Bryant, Game Used, Rare Inserts, Rookies, and Autos.
    References: Derrick(3),Teletubbie, MT Grinch, Kenny21, Awaltz, 2323, sypako, hondo, CoryZbinden(2)biggjc, boopopo2, Cardnyou, nismo68, Speedmaster, Baljit and more

    Owner of the longest actual word in the "One word Post"
  • ttt
    Looking for Saints, LSU RCs, GU and Autos.
    Also 00 SP Authentic rookies and SoTT Autos in Football.


    KLS23, ahares,dewey,49erfan33,ejones06,ajbry,Quasar31
  • 8kobe8kobe Posts: 1,159
    are ou iterested in the baron davis?
    Interested in Kobe Bryant, Game Used, Rare Inserts, Rookies, and Autos.
    References: Derrick(3),Teletubbie, MT Grinch, Kenny21, Awaltz, 2323, sypako, hondo, CoryZbinden(2)biggjc, boopopo2, Cardnyou, nismo68, Speedmaster, Baljit and more

    Owner of the longest actual word in the "One word Post"
  • I have aorund 30 Baron Davis rookies such as an SPX radiance, fleer mystiques, etc. Email me at jppoway15@aol.com if you need anything.
  • kobe and greg i am interested in those cards let me know what your wanting in trade I mainly have football and baseball.
    Looking for Saints, LSU RCs, GU and Autos.
    Also 00 SP Authentic rookies and SoTT Autos in Football.


    KLS23, ahares,dewey,49erfan33,ejones06,ajbry,Quasar31
  • anyone?
    Looking for Saints, LSU RCs, GU and Autos.
    Also 00 SP Authentic rookies and SoTT Autos in Football.


    KLS23, ahares,dewey,49erfan33,ejones06,ajbry,Quasar31
  • I am mainly looking for graded rookies. Email me at jppoway15@aol.com and let me know what you have to offer.
  • check site. Got '01-02 Fleer Genuine B.Davis Final Cut also.
    want (in this order):
    video games & systems
    Culpepper sportscards
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