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Who has Marvin Harrison cards?

I collect Marvin Harrison. Anyone have any?
References: Multiple deals with cohodk. Also PQPeace, LordMarcoVan,


  • I've got a handful of base cards and maybe a few inserts.
    Probably not any high dollar ones.
  • Don't have to be high dollar. I collect all Harrisons. Whatcha got and whatcha want?
    References: Multiple deals with cohodk. Also PQPeace, LordMarcoVan,
  • 1997 Topps
    1999 Donruss, UD Victory
    2000 Ultra, Pacific, Fleer EX, Crown Royale, Fleer Tradition.
    2001 Topps Gallery, UD, Topps Debut, Fleer Focus.
    2002 Topps Debut, Fleer Showcase, Fleer, Fleer Premium.
    2000 Stadium Club Capture the Action; 2000 Topps Go to Guys; 2000 Ultra Fast Lane.

    I collect serial numbered cards in any sport (except Basketball) any player.
    Any numbered card in return would be fine with me!
    Value is not important (condition is, though).

  • here is my list. LMK if intested. will sell the whole lot for $10.

    1996 classic 88
    1996 all sport ppf 142
    1996 pro line intense 95
    1996 skybox impact 25
    1997 bowmans best 74
    1997 collectors choice 153
    1997 donruss 24
    1997 edge extreme 70
    1997 fleer gaudy 35
    1997 fleer gaudy 28
    1997 leaf 142
    1997 leaf certified 109
    1997 pinnacle 140
    1997 pinnalce express 111
    1997 playoff contenders 62
    1997 playoff first and ten 185
    1997 pro line 119
    197 skybox 196
    1997 stadium club 225
    1997 tops 310
    1997 ultra 164
    1997 ulta 164 gold medallion
    1997 skybox impact 15
    1998 black diamond 35
    1998 bowman 87
    1998 bowman best 68
    1998 bowman chrome 87
    1998 edge 1st quarter 63
    1998 finest 268
    1998 pacific paramount 99
    1998 score 202
    1998 score 108 silver
    1998 skybox 85
    1998 stadium club 73
    1998 topps 183
    1998 topps 100
    1998 ultra 95
    1998 ud 122
    1998 ud encore 77
    1998 skybox thunder 79
    1999 black diamond 47
    1999 bowman 83
    1999 bowman 83 Interstate
    1999 bowman chrome 83
    1999 donruss 56
    1999 edge 1st quarter 64
    1999 edge advantage 66
    1999 edge fury 62
    1999 edge supreme 52
    1999 edge t3 37
    1999 fleer 84
    1999 leaf r & s 85
    1999 metal 85
    1999 plaoff absolute exp 107
    1999 playoff prestige exp 147
    1999 score 172
    1999 skybox dominion 7
    1999 skybox premium 51
    1999 tsc 78
    1999 topps 263
    1999 topps 59
    1999 topps stars 124
    1999 ultra 62
    1999 ud 90
    1999 ud mvp 78
    1999 ud victory 108
    2000 black diamond 48
    2000 bowman 102
    2000 bowman chrome 102
    2000 crown royale 40
    2000 edge graded 147
    2000 edge odesy 40
    2000 edge supreme 57
    2000 ex 66
    2000 fleer focus 49
    2000 fleer mystique 68
    2000 fleer tradition 294
    2000 leaf quantum 122
    2000 pacific 153
    2000 pacific paramount 98
    2000 pacific private stock 24
    2000 pacific vanguard 20
    2000 playoff absolute 67
    2000 playoff contenders 41
    2000 score 79
    2000 skybox 20
    2000 skybox dominion 9
    2000 skybox impact 47
    2000 skybox impact 37 rewind
    2000 tsc 114
    2000 topps 300
    2000 topps 12
    2000 topps chrome 160
    2000 topps gallery 108
    2000 topps gold label 17
    2000 topps stars 54
    2000 topps stars 131
    2000 ultra 73
    2000 ud 90
    2000 ud pros and prospect 36
    2000 ud mvp 68
    2000 ud victory 266
    2000 ud ultimate victory 40
    2000 donruss 68
    2001 fleer game time 31
    2001 fleer premium 57
    2001 fleer tradition 3
    2001 leaf quantum 80
    2001 crown royale 9
    2001 pacific dynagon 38
    2001 playoff absolute mem. 38
    2001 score select 87
    2001 score 87
    2001 tsc 6
    2001 topps 275
    2001 topps 289
    2001 topps heritage 64
    2001 ultra 128
    2001 ud 70
    2001 us pros and prospect 38
    2001 ud vintage 193
    2002 donruss classics 62
    2002 fleer 93
    2002 fleer hot prospects 32
    2002 stadium club mh highlight material jsy 0906/1499 swatch fades from light red to white.
    2002 topps chorme 160
    2002 topps heritage 152
    2002 upper deck mh first team fabrics
    Looking for all penny hardaway cards that I don't have.


    baljitgill, epag (2), kls23, amfox1, kobecollector (2), bjork73, tmac21, chayne02, ljmaya, quicksilver77, ahares, woodson24kg, co1lector, kbryant1, kr580

    my site
  • I have some # cards I can send your way. Email me..

    References: Multiple deals with cohodk. Also PQPeace, LordMarcoVan,
  • I have around 200 Harrison cards with almost all of his rookies. Let me know what cards you need, email me at jppoway15@aol.com
  • I have a Marvin Harrison 2000 Leaf Certified "Mirror Black-Certified Skills" w/Kevin Johnson on the other side #CS23 Serial numbered 13/25 BV $30.00. email me at adcards@yahoo.com if interested.
    I collect baseball, basketball, and footdall cards. Ripken Jr auto, and gu. Richard Hamilton and Michael Jordan (Wizards), Mcnabb
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