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Anybody know how I can contact ebay?

Ebay sent me an e-mail saying there was something wrong with my account and gave me a link to where I could go to fix it. Well the link doesn't work and I don't know what to do. I can't bid or sell on ebay until I get it fixed so if anyone knows what I should do please let me know.
BigE187211, Injun01 (2 times), sonicsfan, ChrisDaBalla, (2 times), funnyguy0015, mattdogg, uwftke26, KBryant1 (5 times), vincesanity, battier (5 times), AzianPhenom, shaqmanningfan, Woodson24kg, IversonMiles, 4sportcollector, Phil2347, ejones06, Biechner24, l3ulls4us, Knicks644

I am mainly just looking for Desmond Mason.


  • here is the phone # for ebay.


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  • Thanks Lee! But is there anyway I could do it through the e-mail?
    BigE187211, Injun01 (2 times), sonicsfan, ChrisDaBalla, (2 times), funnyguy0015, mattdogg, uwftke26, KBryant1 (5 times), vincesanity, battier (5 times), AzianPhenom, shaqmanningfan, Woodson24kg, IversonMiles, 4sportcollector, Phil2347, ejones06, Biechner24, l3ulls4us, Knicks644

    I am mainly just looking for Desmond Mason.
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