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MMMM snipeage


Refs: MightyMouse,(2) Josher416(3), JErik20, Brice, Truballer (2), KBryant(4), lafrentz06, gettinout1, LilAI3 (5 transactions), McDee2, Speedmaster, Lantz, Battier, JasonKU86, thematrix31, biggamegil, Trev-Aman, Nismo68, baljitgill1 (multiple),KNICKS644, cpandeaz3

email:: funnyguy0015@yahoo.com
AIM:: funnyguy0015

my site:: http://groups.msn.com/AdamsTradingCards/atccards.msnw

To Josher416:: May he rest in peace.


  • looks like a pretty good deal
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
  • Looks good. I'm so pissed right now, I was planning a snipe on an auto, and with 2min 37sec left my internet connection went out, and by the time I realized it and rebooted, the auction ended at $1 image .
  • o that sucks

    i was going to snipe a ovation triple warmups of miles/brand/odom b4, forgot to, it ended at 7.50

    Refs: MightyMouse,(2) Josher416(3), JErik20, Brice, Truballer (2), KBryant(4), lafrentz06, gettinout1, LilAI3 (5 transactions), McDee2, Speedmaster, Lantz, Battier, JasonKU86, thematrix31, biggamegil, Trev-Aman, Nismo68, baljitgill1 (multiple),KNICKS644, cpandeaz3

    email:: funnyguy0015@yahoo.com
    AIM:: funnyguy0015

    my site:: http://groups.msn.com/AdamsTradingCards/atccards.msnw

    To Josher416:: May he rest in peace.
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