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not bad mail day

01-02 Ovation warm ups dirk
01-02 ex box office draws memorabilla dirk
02-03 Flair Jersey heights dirk
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#1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world

Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515


  • I got a dirk ovation rc in today if you are interested. lmk thanks
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
  • yes ia m what are you looking for
    my site
    #1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world

    Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515
  • I collect laker players and players who played at usc-keyshawn, jonnie morton etc.
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
  • i will trade you this
    00-01 Upper deck Y3K 188 silver kobe #ed to 500 BV$25 same as dirk
    my site
    #1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world

    Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515
  • I dont need that kobe. Would you trade the playmakers kidd jsy bv25. Lmk thanks
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
  • i cant find it my brother took it and messed with it
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    #1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world

    Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515
  • 2 other cards im interested in are flight team kwame brown rc and the topps heratige tomlinson rc
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
  • k the kwame is $30
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    #1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world

    Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515
  • the dirk is 25, lmk if you see anything to make up the difference or I could throw in a few dollars if you wanttradelist
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
  • dont even worry about difference
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    #1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world

    Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515
  • hey is the skybox 98-99 dirk premium rc if so i need it what you want for difference
    my site
    #1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world

    Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515
  • I need the topps heratige tomlinson. Is there anything else you need off my site to make up the difference. I found 2 more dirk cards, a 98-99 stadium club #202 and a 98-99 topps rc. lmk if you need those. thanks
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
  • how about this trade
    I get
    Ovation dirk Rc BV$25
    Skybox premium Dirk rc BV$20
    Total bv$45

    You get
    Heritage tomlinson rc BV$45
    my site
    #1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world

    Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515
  • sounds good. Pm sent
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
  • thx
    my site
    #1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world

    Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515
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