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I have had a loss in the family I'll be gone for a while. Please all Read.

A few days ago my Father had a stroke. He was down the stairs at my house when he fell down them. He wouldn’t move and we had no idea what happened. The ambulance got him to the ER and it looked like he would end up making it but last night he pasted away. I know I have not been the best guy on here but theirs nothing I can do. To all you who said I didn’t have a shop well your right. I don’t now. Without my dad the shop is going to be no more. But I really could care less. My dad was a great man and he kept my family together. I don’t know how I will get through this but I will try my best. I have deiced to give up cards and sell the rest I have to pay for the rest of the shop payments and some of the hospital bills. This more then likely will be one of my last post. I cant stand cards after this. So this is my goodbye to all of you. I hope you all Have a wonderful life and I hope you tell your father you love him next time you see him because it might be the last time.

PS. Thanks to all the Great Traders here. I will sell my cards here to anyone who wants them the rest will head to the shop for the last 2 weeks me and my brother are there.

God Bless
My E-Bay Auctions

Glenn Robinson Auto Collection 7/21


  • Dang, sorry to hear about the loss. image Good luck to ya, hope ya can get through it
    Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail czimme7777@aol.com

    The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
  • Sorry to hear this... hang in there... I'll be praying for ya.
    Looking for any cards of Dan Dickau. And I can use a lot of autos.
    Please visit my page at http://groups.msn.com/JonsCardCollection or e-mail me at ss_jon@hotmail.com
  • Sorry to hear this Mike...good luck and take care of yourself.
  • sorry to hear that, that really sux. Hope you get enough money for all the hospital bills, but unforuneately I'm broke, sry.

    God Bless,

    My site.
  • sorry for your loss hope you mak it through this troubled time good luck
    my site
    #1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world

    Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515
  • I'm very sorry to hear Mike, I know it is very hard to think of going on right now, but you will get through this. You will have the prayers of a lot of your friends, and if there is anything we can do just let us know. The sudden loss of a parent or parents is very hard, I know from experience. My deepest condolences to you and your family.
    I still collect Tim Duncan! Love all high end auto's, and game used basketball of Tony Parker, and Ginobili too! image This means more to me than any card...You can catch me on my site: Highlight Reel Trading
  • Vittle,
    Sorry to hear of your great loss. My prayers are with you and your family in the time of mourning. NBT
    The only thing you can`t get rid of by losing it, is your temper!!! Heres an idea, if everyone would mind their own business we would all get along better!!!!
  • wow...sorry to here that...i lost my uncle last week...but i know u will get through it cause i am...slowly but im getting through it...alsogive me a link to ur site or tradelist or whatever u have to see if i can help.
    R.I.P. JOSH
    R.I.P. ROGER
    My Site

    Wants: all raider cards...tmac...dmiles.

    Refs. jbugs...calikev...sonicsfan...baseballman03060...nhl23...baljitgill...magic1fan...narcotikz


    raiders record 5-4
    my soccer teams record 11-3

  • shame on you man making these good people feel sorry for you i know for a fact this story is 100% bs and vittle knows it to.you see when the posts started popping up about him oweing money to people and posts about his numerous lies i started watching his profile he logged in evry day 2 and 3 times a day but never made a post never answered to the posts about what he owes either.and then earlier tonight he was on yahoo in a card chat trying to make trades.giving up cards right found another place to trade where people dont know him and his shady practices is more like it.and a father who "pasted away" provides a perfect alibi for him to skate out without finishing his deals,deals that he has already gotten cards from i might add.
    vittle you have always been a miserable p.o.s. but this took it to an all time low.i hope that no one in your family ever does 'paste' away cause then when you really need it there will be no sympathy there for you.

    crying wolf,bad monkey boy
    and fyi it's "passed" away you idiot
  • Sorry to hear that Vittle, you've been here a long time and have really been one of the 'regulars' of the board. Shame to see you go, God bless to you and your family. Good luck with everything.

    60+ sucessful trades on here.
  • did you not listen to the informants post? he said this is garbage! and i bet u, it is... this guy is trying to get sympathy from all the people he ripped off, a great plan to get out of things...
    He will Sell ZERO of his collection , and if he sells it, he'll claim "this is the last of it" when it fact its cards he dont like and wants to get rid of 2 buy better ones....
    TIsk TIsk Tisk
  • You and your family will be in our prayers.

    sorry and God Bless.
  • Thanks to everone for the kind words.

    I dont want to even say anything to the people talking bad about my dad. My dad was a great man and loved me and my family very much. But you come on here and make light of his death. I hope you two have trouble sleeping tonight.
    My E-Bay Auctions

    Glenn Robinson Auto Collection 7/21
  • Informant that's just worng to say! shut up, please, a guy's dad died and you say that stuff? I'm very sorry bout your loss vittle
  • first off, i feel sorry for ya (if your dad really died).

    but even if he died or not, i hope you leave on a high note ie by sending out dmiles's money.

  • i hope dmiles isn't stupid and pm's vittle and tells him he feels sorry and u dont need to send the $16/$17 bucks.

  • << <i>i hope dmiles isn't stupid and pm's vittle and tells him he feels sorry and u dont need to send the $16/$17 bucks. >>

    Nah, deal's a deal, it's sad and all what happened, but unlike Josher416, Vittle is still here, and is still able to pay up. If he won't pay, then at least send the kid's card(s) back.
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