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Anyone else disappointed with Vice City Ending?

The game was great, but really didn't live up to all the expectations with the missions, especially as few of them as there were.


  • Well I haevn't got that far. I only play it for around 30-45 min a day and if I fail a mission I just go around creating havoc on the streets image

  • Trust me, it doesn't take long to beat the game. Most of the missions are pretty easy also, there are a few that are harder, but not many.
  • That's the BEST PART.........creating the havoc
  • just go around and do the side missions now and try to buy as much proporty as u can image there are alot of the rampage things around hehe
    lookin for autos in baseball and basketball

    and cards from 01 studio private signings(BB) 96 ex (bkb) and 96 chrome (bkb)
  • Man there are tons of little side games and other stuff to do. You should get the guide and backtrack and see what you missed. There is no way you could complete the game 100% that fast. You probably just went for the missions without having alittle fun. Yesterday spent the whole time filling my garages and delivering pizza. It's a great game man....better than anything out there. But hey when I want a change of pace I bust out Madden, NBA 2K3 and Socom....can never get tired of kicking a$$ online.
  • what do u mean by buying proberty
    R.I.P. JOSH
    R.I.P. ROGER
    My Site

    Wants: all raider cards...tmac...dmiles.

    Refs. jbugs...calikev...sonicsfan...baseballman03060...nhl23...baljitgill...magic1fan...narcotikz


    raiders record 5-4
    my soccer teams record 11-3

  • I don't think there is a way to finish the game with out buying the property. I didn't bother getting all 100 packages, because it would have been a waste, seeing the big Ultimate Vehicle can be stolen from the fort without getting all the packages. As for the vehicle extra missions, there isn't really a point in doing them anymore, seeing you get extra life, speed, etc.
  • I was disappointed until I got this cheat code for an amazing alternate ending.
  • lmfao andrew
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