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Ebay help please...

I won several auctions from somebody a few days ago and was about to send off payment but I noticed that beside the rating it now says "Not a registered user", I did a little research but couldn't find much info on this. Does anyone know what this might mean? Is it that the seller has been banned.

Also, the seller had made very few transactions the last couple months and this was the first time he/she was selling cards. The prices I got the cards at were also very cheap and the auctions that were supposed to end in the next couple days were also all cancelled I guess because they are no longer listed.

Please give me some advice as to what I should do. Should I still send payment? Should I e-mail the seller or Ebay to ask what is going on? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Looking for any cards of Dan Dickau. And I can use a lot of autos.
Please visit my page at http://groups.msn.com/JonsCardCollection or e-mail me at ss_jon@hotmail.com


  • Don't send payment.
    He is not on Ebay any longer.
    Must have ripped people off on auctions so ebay got rid of his account.

  • have you talked via e-mail yet ?
  • We'll he didn't leave an address to send payment to so I e-mailed him for an address and he replied after a day or two but all the e-mail had was the basic name and address nothing else.

    Thanks for your input. I guess he was banned.
    Looking for any cards of Dan Dickau. And I can use a lot of autos.
    Please visit my page at http://groups.msn.com/JonsCardCollection or e-mail me at ss_jon@hotmail.com
  • Anyone else experience something like this?

    Looking for any cards of Dan Dickau. And I can use a lot of autos.
    Please visit my page at http://groups.msn.com/JonsCardCollection or e-mail me at ss_jon@hotmail.com
  • I did once but had already made payment. Never received item. Went through Safe Harbor and eBay refunded my money. Big hassle though! If he's not registered, don't pay and send ebay a message so your covered...........Mike
    Refs: Many on CU
    Trader's Retreat
    Collector's Empire
    CD #118
    ebay ID mtgrinch

    Paypal Verified
  • just b/c it says not a registered user, doesnt mean he was banned, it possible that he hasnt paid his bill to ebay yet, if you dont pay your bill, they will block you from selling or buying. Check his feedback, and if it is good, i would contact the guy and see what is up, you can even get his phone # from ebay, just go to search, find members, and request contact info, the will email you his phone #

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