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Trade with cyro big mistake........ Heres is what happened post what you think

Hey this is what happened it was a trade for my vicne carter names of the game jersey and a baron davis 2 color warm up. He sent my a baron davis 2 color flight team jersey. It has 2 creases coming out ward from jersey. And anyone that knows stuff abotu cards knows that that only comes from the pack. I provided a scan below that CYRO scanned himself! lol. He didnt tell me that there was creases on it when we traded which is a NONO. And After i got his cards this is what he said "o0Slimo0: well i got ur pic..and there was only 1 when i sent" NO he damands i send the carter and the bdavis back with me only keeping the tmac (bv=what 15?) Can i get some FEEDBACK.


  • Now hes saying hes filing mail fraud for making another crease. Well heres a link to his pic

  • o0Slimo0: ok..i get my davis back with more than 1 small crease..and im filing fraud against ur wigger ass
  • Got anything to say? slimo?
  • He traded the baron davis w/ the creases for your carter right? If the davis had any creases and he didnt tell you then he is at fault.
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
  • i showed him the scan before the trade happened and he agreed..and as u can see there's a microcopic crease to the top left hand corner of the swatch..he knew that before he accepted the trade..there was only 1..if there's 2 now..that's his doing, and he told Joe Benson that he knew he got the bad end of the deal..and now he's trying to back out..after i sent fast as sh*t..and now that makes me a bad trader cuz he dont wanna give up the carter after he accepted a trade??

    and my name isnt Slimo
    I collect..Qyntel Woods
    Tim Benson of Collectors Finest
    - Tradelist -
  • image

    there's one crease..and it was there showing in the scan when he accepted..and here was the full trade:

    (me)Baron Davis flight patterns, and Tmac playmakers for (him)Vince names of the game and Baron Davis 2color warm up..now he dont wanna give away the carter so he makes these weak excuses..that he knew bout before the trade..WTF?
    I collect..Qyntel Woods
    Tim Benson of Collectors Finest
    - Tradelist -
  • SLIMO IS A LIER ITS HIS S/N and hoemro is his cousin s/n (joe benson) heres the entire chat

    hey nice try SLIMO ask ur cousin JOE here is the aim chat homero is joe

    You have just entered room "Chat 28358441821264389616."
    o0homero0 has entered the room.
    NBAexpectations: h/o
    o0Slimo0 has entered the room.
    NBAexpectations: 0: my first trade..i send fast as s**t..now u wanna turn the trade around..
    o0Slimo0: yet again ur wrong..
    NBAexpectations: he didnt tell me there was creasses
    o0Slimo0: if u look at the scan u can see the crease..hmm
    o0Slimo0: u didnt look well
    o0Slimo0: not my problem
    NBAexpectations: u cant see the creases
    NBAexpectations: smart one
    o0Slimo0: you can
    o0Slimo0: look at the top left corner of the swatch
    o0Slimo0: u see it
    NBAexpectations: put a link to the scan
    NBAexpectations: still u have to tell the person ur trading with there is creases.
    NBAexpectations: thats a rule
    o0Slimo0: http://groups.msn.com/collectorsfinest/cryostradelist.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=1
    o0Slimo0: naw..u just dont wanna give me that vince
    NBAexpectations: can u see the crease joe?
    NBAexpectations: simo i have 40 refs
    o0Slimo0: yes..look in the white to the left of the black..u see it!
    NBAexpectations: all happy traders
    NBAexpectations: u can only seee it if u knwo its there
    o0Slimo0: lemme show u!
    o0Slimo0: lemme upload this pic
    o0homero0: u all gotta be able to come to some sort of conclusion, maybe slim can like on u all's next trade give u 5 bv in your favor or somethin
    NBAexpectations: HE** NO
    o0homero0: well hwo bads the crease first?
    o0homero0: how**
    o0Slimo0: see..no, u thought he'd favor u..cuz u invited him not me..mr genius
    NBAexpectations: 1/3 INCH
    NBAexpectations: i invited both smart one
    o0homero0: im thinkin 5-10 bv
    o0homero0: extra on next trade
    NBAexpectations: homero THINK card with 2 creases!book value is half
    NBAexpectations: what do u think the low callum is for>
    o0Slimo0: they are from the f**k*ng swatch..and there's only 1
    o0Slimo0: not 2..
    NBAexpectations: theres 2!
    o0Slimo0: 1
    NBAexpectations: i scan it again FO YA
    NBAexpectations: and get a little closer!
    o0Slimo0: i knew u'd pull something like this anyway..cuz u done told Joe that u know u got the bad end of the deal..
    o0Slimo0: im not dumb
    NBAexpectations: ya i did!
    NBAexpectations: what am i pulling
    NBAexpectations: make a post in cu
    o0Slimo0: see..now u need an excuse
    NBAexpectations: u didnt tell me the card was badly damaged
    o0Slimo0: it's not
    o0Slimo0: wtf?
    NBAexpectations: yes it is 2 creases is badly damaged
    o0Slimo0: did u sit there and play with it all day?
    NBAexpectations: nope both creases are from the jersey out
    o0Slimo0: there was 1 when i sent..and it wasnt big..so anything else is ur doing
    NBAexpectations: that means it came fro mthe packaging
    NBAexpectations: nice try buddy
    NBAexpectations: ill take ur pic
    NBAexpectations: and make a close up
    o0Slimo0: well i got ur pic..and there was only 1 when i sent
    o0Slimo0: send my davis back..and the carter..fine
    NBAexpectations: u want me to send u the carter?
    o0Slimo0: that was the deal!
    NBAexpectations: hell no
    NBAexpectations: im not sending the tmac and the carter
    NBAexpectations: u f***in crazy
    o0Slimo0: homer did i say he'd make an excuse to keep that carter?
    NBAexpectations: the tmac booked 20
    NBAexpectations: slimo im making a post in collectors edge
    o0Slimo0: wtf is collectors edge?
    NBAexpectations: i mean cu
    NBAexpectations: well see buddy
    o0Slimo0: ok..we'll see how many of ur net buddies defend u
    o0homero0: lol
    NBAexpectations: what what? speachless?
    o0Slimo0: huh?
    o0Slimo0: just hold up ur end of the deal
    NBAexpectations: what else WAS i sending ur a$$?
    o0Slimo0: davis and carter
    o0Slimo0: what are u sending..cuz u dont hold up ur end..and u'll be in trouble
    NBAexpectations: ill send everything u sent me back
    NBAexpectations: and ull make a place on my bad traders list
    o0Slimo0: i sent the davis with 1 lil crease by the swatch, if it has more..i'm filing mail fraud
    o0Slimo0: hope u like it buddy
    NBAexpectations: lol u know whwat
    NBAexpectations: u can focus in on ur picture
    NBAexpectations: and see 2 creases lol
    NBAexpectations: and im putting all of it on cu
    o0Slimo0: no u cant..cuz there's 1
    o0Slimo0: ok..i get my davis back with more than 1 small crease..and im filing fraud against ur wigger a$$
    NBAexpectations: lol focus in with a picture
    NBAexpectations: and also with saying that u can get booted from cu
    NBAexpectations: if it is a false accusation
    o0Slimo0: nope it's n ot
    NBAexpectations: cyro is ur name on there right?
    o0Slimo0: i got my pic with 1 crease
    o0Slimo0: buddy
    o0Slimo0: no
    NBAexpectations: lol
    o0Slimo0: haha
    NBAexpectations: check the pic out urself12
    NBAexpectations: !
    o0Slimo0: u turned in some innocent kid
    o0Slimo0: haha
    NBAexpectations: bwahahahahha
    NBAexpectations: well see!
    NBAexpectations: And another thing. You cant charge something i didnt do and even if i did, which i didnt u didnt send insured
    NBAexpectations: bwahahahahhaha dumbass
    o0Slimo0: haha...that's funny..u said tmac bv's at 20 in this convo..then 15 on CU
    o0Slimo0: what a f@g
    o0Slimo0: your a wigger
    o0Slimo0: the scan shows 1 crease
    o0Slimo0: ur wrong again
    NBAexpectations: lol
    NBAexpectations: bwahahahhaha
    NBAexpectations: back up ur self smart one
    o0homero0: "NBAexpectations: bwahahahhaha"
    o0homero0: lmao
    o0homero0: nikobe?
    o0Slimo0: lmao!
    o0Slimo0: he is!
    o0Slimo0: u idolize nikobe dont u?
    o0Slimo0: wigger
    NBAexpectations: i bet sooo not dumba$$
    o0Slimo0: he stopped talking..kid knows he's wrong
    NBAexpectations: what?
    NBAexpectations: smart one lol
    o0Slimo0: and i'm a bad trader cuz i send fast as s***..and he dont pay attention to my scan
    o0Slimo0: wtf?
    NBAexpectations: hey if you think that post it on cu and we'll see what others think
    NBAexpectations: He traded the baron davis w/ the creases for your carter right? If the davis had any creases and he didnt tell you then he is at fault.
  • everybody, what should these two do to settle there dispute?
    Looking for all Tracy McGrady Cards, even base.
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    image#1 Qyntel Woods Collectorimage
  • NBAexpectations: He traded the baron davis w/ the creases for your carter right? If the davis had any creases and he didnt tell you then he is at fault.
    o0Slimo0: no see
    o0Slimo0: he didnt know the full trade
    o0Slimo0: he thought it was the Davis str8 up for Carter
    o0Slimo0: haha u moron
    o0Slimo0: read it again

    hmm..he cut off at this point..cuz i proved him wrong again..rooks thought it was Baron Davis str8 up for the Carter..hmm..see..you're pulling some sh*t that you arnt smart enough to pull
    I collect..Qyntel Woods
    Tim Benson of Collectors Finest
    - Tradelist -

  • << <i>everybody, what should these two do to settle there dispute? >>

    yup..what should we do?
    I collect..Qyntel Woods
    Tim Benson of Collectors Finest
    - Tradelist -
  • fight? How close you guys live to each other image j/k
  • 2,000 miles lol
    Looking for all Tracy McGrady Cards, even base.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom

    image#1 Qyntel Woods Collectorimage

  • << <i>fight? How close you guys live to each other image j/k >>

    far..i'm from east coast, he's from west coast
    I collect..Qyntel Woods
    Tim Benson of Collectors Finest
    - Tradelist -
  • now i'm trying to solve this and figure out what we are gonna do, and he wont reply to my pms on aim..cuz he knows i'm right
    I collect..Qyntel Woods
    Tim Benson of Collectors Finest
    - Tradelist -
  • Send back the Baron, easy enough.
  • The increased number of traders that are sending and NOT taking responsibility for their part of the trade is really sad, the cards are the senders responsibility until the other trader receives them and accepts them as your part of the trade. There are many very young kids on this site that trade responsible and take responsibility for their trades. Those of you that are being irresponsible in trading on this board are making it difficult for others.

    I am currently posting about another irresponsible trader.....

    .....you might read the definition of what mail fraud is.....but here is another fraud definition:

    Fraud by deceit; hiding the truth to gain advantage......

  • how bout you guys forget about it, and get on with it? It's one card I understand I would be pissed but to me condition isn't the least of my concern, you mad because there is a little crease where the jersey is? Just pretend like you have a super rare card that has the crease?
  • cyro- ur a moron, i was eating dinner yes thats right i was AWAY fro mmy computer for 10 minutes. I offered to send his stuff back and he said he was filing mail fruad
  • He was goin crazy as a mofo tellin me he was filing mai lfraud lol it was the dumbest thing ever and no hes saying i was being disrespectful look at this lol

    see i would be reasonable..and let u send my s**t back..but u gotta be disrespectful and say i'm a bad trader..which is wrong..and u would be my only reference and u'd be a dick and say i'm a bad trader..which is wrong

    i was just telling him that iwas gonna send his stuff back and he was AHHHHHHh MAIL FRAUUUDDD lol
  • He can't file Mail Fraud. Nothing was stolen in the process. Chances are he's like 13 years old. Just trying to "scare" you into sending him the VC.

  • << <i>cyro- ur a moron, i was eating dinner yes thats right i was AWAY fro mmy computer for 10 minutes. I offered to send his stuff back and he said he was filing mail fruad >>

    cuz when i sent there was one very tiny crease..now u say there's 2 big ones? i can prove one..look at my scan..and u wanna send a card back in worse condition than i sent..in thin sleeve hard case and bubble envelope?
    I collect..Qyntel Woods
    Tim Benson of Collectors Finest
    - Tradelist -
  • lol bigshane heres soem more funny stuff check this out he tryes act like he didnt trade with me and then he goes back into cyro lol its hilarious who ripped him off? lol funny how his cuz isnt even talking to him lol

    o0Slimo0: Bad Traders on CU: CYRO ..haha..who's Cyro?
    o0Slimo0: and trevor..if u want..i got 2 kareem rushes..i could send them to make up..or whatever..just solve this s*** and talk!
    o0Slimo0: so homer..will this be the last of me being ripped of just the beginning?
    o0homero0: he is away from the comp
    o0homero0: hit him up when he gets back on
    o0Slimo0: he is back
    o0Slimo0 has left the room.


    Acutaually anyone here with a image editer can close up on the card and see 2 creases. They are the excact same size as on the big i never said big they dont have to be big little kid

  • << <i>He can't file Mail Fraud. Nothing was stolen in the process. Chances are he's like 13 years old. Just trying to "scare" you into sending him the VC. >>

    and you're the one that thought u can't be a ripoff on ebay? haha..point proven..hush kid
    I collect..Qyntel Woods
    Tim Benson of Collectors Finest
    - Tradelist -
  • Dude dont being calling adults kids dig urslef a hole and if u wanna talk some kiddie S*** or r u affraid. People dont liek kids like you

  • << <i>Dude dont being calling adults kids dig urslef a hole and if u wanna talk some kiddie S*** or r u affraid. People dont liek kids like you >>

    is that why everyone made fun of you and called u a wigger and sh*t? the whole site clowned u..and u ride nikobe's jock..lmao!
    I collect..Qyntel Woods
    Tim Benson of Collectors Finest
    - Tradelist -
  • Actually whether this means anything or not Cryo is older than both Big Shane and U Washington by a fe years..
    Looking for all Tracy McGrady Cards, even base.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
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    image#1 Qyntel Woods Collectorimage
  • Hey just cuz nikobe can stick up for one guy and not go liken whoever is hot lol grow up kid and if u wanna talk s*** im it to me no one likes you on here and dont post again
  • joe dotn be dumb man ur better than that. Just cuz he wants you to back him up thats sad. You know who went wrong. U been trading for a while.
  • yeah he is 17, im just saying. cuz the one dude made a post about being 13....But I mean He isnt a ripoff or anything man, just send the cards back and yall cross out the experience....
    Looking for all Tracy McGrady Cards, even base.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom

    image#1 Qyntel Woods Collectorimage
  • A trade isn't complete until both parties are satisfied.If someone has a problem then you each return any cards involved in the trade
    and no bit*hing about how you don't want to give a card back because you like/want it
    Play nice and return the cards

    Now isn't that easy!!!
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
  • exactly remster, just send back cards, and write off the experience
    Looking for all Tracy McGrady Cards, even base.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom

    image#1 Qyntel Woods Collectorimage
  • UH the second thing i said to him is that i was sending the cards back lol he didnt want me 2 not my fualt
  • well Cyro...the dude is willng to return the cards...looks like you should be willing to do the same
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
    Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
  • sorry U..problem solved
    I collect..Qyntel Woods
    Tim Benson of Collectors Finest
    - Tradelist -
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