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<< <i>you can't really be a rip-off on ebay. If you notcied you get a rating, you ass. >>


  • Well I don't sell so I guess I can't be, nice try though.
  • buyers ccan be to dumb azz
  • If you do get "ripped" on eBay then your stupid because there is a thing called Mail Fraud. You can fiel for this it make sit so you get what you sent or bought sent to you. You moron. eBay auctions are a binding contract. Now shut your mouth boy.
  • you are a stupid kid!!!!! they dont go through mail fraud charges for $20. they wait for the big guys. and binding contract my azz. you shut your mouth, their are buyers that dont pay, sellers that dont send. Ebay protects the sellers, but not the buyers. take your small head out of your 8 yr old azz
  • JBUGS,

    I agree with a lot of your statement, USA Today had an atricle on the "Power Seller" ripping people off and Ebay telling them not to do it but no further action...they make the most money off the big guys....

    I posted on your other thread, that waitak has a statement on his auctions that he accepts M.O. if the final price is over $100., that is because the banks charge what ever they want as a handling fee to cash M.O. or Checks as much as 50% of face value.
    I know that it is difficult to exchange us currency of any kind in some countries as their government wants the US money. When I was in the army I was charged $20 at a bank in Crete to cash a $100 bill.....no one on the ecconomy would accept anything larger than a $20 as they also were charged a handling fee...
  • Hey Jbugs, looks like bigshane thinks he owns you.


  • ted-i dont remember seeing that in the auction i won, maybe it was. Why did it take him 2 and 1/2 weeks to email me and say he wouldnt accept?? Why wouldnt he send the mo back??
  • batman- ya he thinks he's top sh*t. Too bad he is a little 8 yr old brat that has fun ripping people off.
  • little... no
    8 year old... no
    ripping people off... no
    brat... possibly
    top sh*t... most def. image

    Just thought I would clear all that up...
  • little: ya
    8: you act it
    ripoff: mos def (me and others on here)
    if ur gonna be a wigger at least get the words right
  • wigger? are you not only into "being attracted to your relatives" but also racist? Pretty bad 1, 2 punch I'd say.
  • racist?? calling you a wigger is racist?? explain this to me. im racist to nobody, expect morons like you!
  • bigshane and i have made trades before and they were very successful

    Jbugs have you sent the brunell out yet
    my site
    #1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world

    Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515
  • Woah! Jbugs you STILL owe him that Brunell GU? Jeezes.
  • kbryant1- actually card went out today with some extra stuff for taking a while, and for not sending it with the other 150 brunells

    bigshane-lets see, he got 150 other brunells before then, its been what a month. i admit i made a mistake, and ya i should of sent sooner. You have no excuse, you still owe me and other cards. and in this case(1 of maybe 3 times in the 5 yrs on the net) i sent extra's on the times i messed up.
  • I owe nobody, no not even you. I never got $ from you wether you sent it or not. As for a month late, it was over 2 monthes there kiddo. KBryant1 told me.
  • kbyrant1 dont tell you sh*t. your a little punk kid, with a BAD rep!
  • Careless Joker: when u asked jbugs about the brunell u mean the GU JSY from a LONG tiem ago?
    Dallasistheteam: yes
    Careless Joker: i need to find a thread to that and see hwo long its been
    Dallasistheteam: i well tell you i got it in pm's
    Careless Joker: ok
    Dallasistheteam: august 28 around there
  • ya august 28 when we were making the deal, about a month and half ago, when deal was finalized and i had my cards, and he had the 150 brunells. i sent replacement brunell which he never got, and about a month ago, bought the same brunell from the 1st deal. so its been 1 month since.
  • how do i have a bad rep also check pm's you comfronted me cause the brunell post cause i didnt get it it was pm'd on sep 4 and i recieved the cards a week before that just was waiting to see if you sent that in different package.so dont say i have a bad rep
    my site
    #1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world

    Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515

  • << <i>kbyrant1 dont tell you sh*t. your a little punk kid, with a BAD rep! >>

    sorry thought you were saying i had a bad rep and i will let you know when i recieve the brunell thx
    my site
    #1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world

    Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515
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