He lives in hong kong. Sent him an postal MO. He gives me non-paying bidder warning when he gets it, and says he doesnt accept mo's, checks, or anything BUT cash.
I wouldn't necessarily say that the guy is a rip off.. have you checked his feedback?
I live in Canada, and a lot of US money orders are no good here... can't be cashed. Checks from the US can be cashed, but my bank holds it for 28 days... I'm thinking that maybe it is similar in Hong Kong, and thats why he takes cash only.
You have every right to demand the MO back before sending cash. Other wise you will have paid him twice without seeing a product. He's already negged you, so he has no more recourse. If you want my advise (assuming their isn't that much money involved) neg him as a scammer, and then start emailing his bidders explaining what happened and recomending they cancel their bids.
kinda hard to do. i need the 2 simons bad. i had 1 but misplaced it. Sold it to chayne, and now i cant find it, so i need those 2 so i can send 1. Also, i wont be on ebay if he leaves the non-paying bidder thing(mis posted, he left the 1 before non-paying bidder). So if i stick him with a negative, ill get a negative back, get the boot from ebay, and pizz chayne off for not getting the simon for him
This is a perfect example why I try to avoid eBaying and trading outside of the US and Canada.Too much can go wrong and theres not much you can do about it. A trader outside of the US could basically take your card and never send you anything and tell you straight up he ripped you and theres absolutely nothing you can do about it.US mail fraud is'nt enforcable in other countries even if you mailed your package from the US.Whats this guys eBay id?
If it's your first non-paying bidder warning, you won't gte suspended or booted off ebay. I say just take the hit, and take it as a lesson to only bid on auctions that accept paypal.
i got a non-paying bidder thing about a yr and a half ago. sent $4 cash to a guy, ripped me and said he never got it. its possible he never did, but i doubt it. i got another one a while back. guy tried charging me $10 to ship a card from ohio, so i basically told him to kiss my azz. ebay wont get rid of either one, ive emailed them, sent copies of emails, etc. and they say they cant do anything about it. theyve dropped a couple that were bogus, but since i didnt have proof of sending the money the onthe first one, and because i refused to send money on the second(even though it is fee circumnavigation).
You're kind of up $h!t creek then. I know it's a pain, but ebay does nothing to protect it's biddders from sellers like that. You could send them copies of the emails where the seller said he's going to rip you, and they'd probably still send you that form letter saying buyers and sellers should work it out.
hes got good feedback, so i dont think it would help my chances any. his id is waitak 1230 rating, only 2 negatives and 5 neutrals. After this is al over though, he'll have another negative!
I think the only thing besides cash that you could send him is a western union money order. I know you cant send postal money orders out of the country (well you can send them but they wont be any good). Western Union is the only money order I know of where you can send those to other countries and are able to be cashed
Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail czimme7777@aol.com
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WAITAK auctions that I've seen state he accepts M.O. if the end bid is $100 or more, otherwise cash or PAYPAL......I could not find the auction under your ebay name thats on your sig., maybe he canceled it....
I live in Canada, and a lot of US money orders are no good here... can't be cashed. Checks from the US can be cashed, but my bank holds it for 28 days... I'm thinking that maybe it is similar in Hong Kong, and thats why he takes cash only.
Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's
1230 rating, only 2 negatives and 5 neutrals. After this is al over though, he'll have another negative!
<< <i>sent $4 cash to a guy, ripped me and said he never got it. its possible he never did, but i doubt it. >>
The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
zimmy, he doesnt allow any money orders. only cash
How much was the M.O. for?
WAITAK auctions that I've seen state he accepts M.O. if the end bid is $100 or more, otherwise cash or PAYPAL......I could not find the auction under your ebay name thats on your sig., maybe he canceled it....