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Went to the Kings Vs Magic Game, Yeah!

well like the mavs it poured, no cwebb auto imageimage
but i made up for it by snaggin his headband! YES!!!!!!
and gerald wallace wristband...
we had dominated the undermanned kings the whole game, till bobby jackson went nuts!
i was like oh man where gonna Lose this ....
Then Miller came through with a big charge, hill got a big rebound...
i got only 2 autos at the game, gerald wallace *huge @$$ auto* and damon jones (DJ 9, fancy, lol)


  • Hey, can I ask how are you able to get all the headbands and auto's? I mean, I've seen the headbands/wristbands get thrown all over the place. Just wondering how you always get them (maybe you are a magnet for NBA sweat?) Just curious, you have alot of luck getting them, I'd be happy just catching one but you have a ton of them.
  • lemme quote a famous phrase, PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!
    and sometimes i get zero...
    i took a whole year 2 learn the right spots, how 2 get there ala what 2 do ,blah...
    i get low, and u have 2 get there attention...
    i mean loooow
    arena security blows at td centre so i gt right on the floor, they pass right in front of me!
    and i just ask them!
    i am proud of every wristband i get, soon ima have a hall of fame!
    where u live yo? ill help u out, arena wise i been 2 alot...
    but aye vince coming 2 town next week! i dont think he'll play, or he might, thatd be a sweet band VC15 it says or JYD...
    the whole kings had bands, even a trainer wore one! lol...
    almost had Keon Clarks...
    blah holla
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