Am I missing something....what's wrong with this auction? He accidentally typed patch in the title....but he did correct it in the text below. True it's a little misleading for people doing searches because they will pull up his auction....but have you ever bought a card on E-bay that had a picture and not looked at the picture!!?!?! Within 3 seconds of looking at the picture you would know it's not a patch.
Okay, he should have corrected the $700 thing....but there is additional text below the first description where he indicates it's not a patch. Anybody, who collects GU would know that card is not worth $700....
Not trying to defend the seller...because he or she doesn't seem to on the ball....but I don't think anybody would be fooled.
Also another thing...when I buy my cards...I never go by the BV they put (if they even put one on). I always look it up. So it is the buyer's fault if they think it books $700. Just looked it up....Patch books $500...with down arrows...and reg. version is $80.
PS - If you don't look a card up or have some one look it up for you before you buy it...your stupid.
Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's
Am I missing something....what's wrong with this auction? He accidentally typed patch in the title....but he did correct it in the text below. True it's a little misleading for people doing searches because they will pull up his auction....but have you ever bought a card on E-bay that had a picture and not looked at the picture!!?!?! Within 3 seconds of looking at the picture you would know it's not a patch.
Okay, he should have corrected the $700 thing....but there is additional text below the first description where he indicates it's not a patch. Anybody, who collects GU would know that card is not worth $700....
Not trying to defend the seller...because he or she doesn't seem to on the ball....but I don't think anybody would be fooled.
Listing it as a Patch and then making sure to say that it isn't a Patch...
I think the person is tring to trick someone into buying for a higher price .............................
Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's
PS - If you don't look a card up or have some one look it up for you before you buy it...your stupid.
I'm back - you better believe it
Tim Benson of Collectors Finest
- Tradelist -