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Everyone who replied to my "$50 Paypal to best offer" post please read...

I've been trying to reply to some people, but my ISP sucks and the congestion is sooooo bad that it has been taking me on average 5 minutes to download a page. I've called them and they say they're working on it, but so far no progress... image.

Anywho, I finally waited long enough to at least make this post to let everyone know that my email, although slower than usual, is much quicker than this. If you'd like to email your offer there, I can respond in a more timely fashion. I don't have enough time in my life to try to download site, thus that is why I said BEST OFFER yesterday when I made the post (hope that explains why I asked for offers co1lector image). So if you're still interested, email me the offer you have delivered for the $50. Please don't send me a list and ask me to pick either because as I said, my email is still quite slow...

And also co1lector, it's quite simple. The "offer" concept simply means you offer me what you think I'll most like be willing to pay $50 for. I don't want base cards or football lineman GU. I'm looking for players/cards I can use or trade.
In hockey, I like Wings but have tons of traders that like other players so I'm pretty open. Football - Harrington, Brees, Tomlinson, Vick, Favre, etc... Basketball - Prince, McGrady, Shaq, Kobe, Richardson, etc...

LMK and thanks all,

Crap!!! Then I forgot to put my email addy and got to wait to edit this thing....image

EMAIL ADDY - zacktorbet06@earthlink.net
earthlink sucks


  • to the top for Zack
    ANY JOEY HARRINGTON, PAVEL DATSYUK, HENRICK ZETTERBURG, TAYSHAUN PRINCE, any rookies, gu, or auto's of any current Red Wings, Pistons, and Lions players. None of the Tigers so dont ask!

    Wantlist/Tradelist refs: BiggJC, SoDoMoJo, Dirtmonkey, AiRjOrDaN22 (2), samsgirl214, LiveAndLearn, Viking (cw)
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