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Bucs Destroy Mini-sota!

Man we killed them! The offense never looked so good, heck the last time we looked that good
on the offense side of the ball was....uhh...ummm...ahhhhh in 2000 against the Vikes, when Shaun
King destoryed them. Face it we own the Vikes! Brad Johnson was amazing and even Mr. Over-rated
Key got in the end zone. Gruden just plain over-matched the Vikes coach. Oh yeah! Bye next week
and then at home against Carolina!!! Here comes 8-2!!!!


PS When is Raider fan going to show their face??


  • the key is to look good in dec. and jan. not oct and nov.
  • where were you when the bucs got destroyed by the eagles? I guess you were sick that dayimage Keyshawn johnson is the only weapon the bucs have on offense. Look what happens when that idiot brad johnson finally gets him the ball-38 points.
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
  • We, We , We, I'm sure the Bucs are happy to have an idiot like you as a Fan...

    You, You, You will be running and hiding when the bucs lose in the playoffs..
    Am I speaking Chinese?

  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    You all are jealous...ESPACIALLY Bills fan.....man you can add them to the pretenders list. Bucs
    destoryed and once we get home field through-out then Philly will have to come to our house and
    we will destory them.!!


  • as a cowboy fan i must admit i wish they had the bucs record

    the question is will you run and hide once again if your bucs lose in the playoffs after all this smack being typed

  • << <i>as a cowboy fan i must admit i wish they had the bucs record

    the question is will you run and hide once again if your bucs lose in the playoffs after all this smack being typed >>

    He will, as usual.........
    Am I speaking Chinese?

  • Umm, what exactly am I jealous of. Oh, of course. Im jealous of the great history of the yucs franchise. Doormats for 20+ years and moderate success in the last 5 years.
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
  • thats a good point rooks..isn't rule # 1 of football smack talking that your team has to at least APPEARED in a S.B .. not even win it, just show up in 1 lol
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    LOL Oh Ok now you guys are talking about ancient history?? The Boys and the Bills suck. If you want
    to talk about what happened 10 years ago then start a new thread! BUCS RULE

  • I loved it!! Sapp with his second INT!!

    Best defense in the league. We had a couple of mental lapses but were 7 - 2!!

    GO BUCS GO!!
  • ok it's only fair you have your time to boast about your team but most of the guys here who talk smack about their team still show up here if their team loses so if that time comes don't go into hiding
  • Ill stand by my team, win or lose. Ill be here no matter what. image
  • baljit i think you know who my response was directed to .. plus i remember you being a standup guy after my lakers took care of your boys from sac-town image . sorry man couldn't resist
  • image That loss still stings...lol
  • which loss baljit. last year, the year b4, the year b4 that or the year b4 that..im sorry B image lol let me stop . your still my fav. sac fan image
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    Im here when the Bucs lose, but Im not going to bring it up unless someone else
    does. It isn't my fault you guys missed your opportunities! Were you here a few
    days ago talking abuot the Lakers when they were getting their butts kicked??

    No...does that mean you run and hide?????



    PS Philly looked weak against a soft Bears team. Good thing they are in a soft
  • sorry to dissapoint you but yes i was here talking about the lakers the same night after they got their butts kicked..so you see it is possible to talk about your team , even when they lose image
  • Joe, thanks for the laugh. You jump in my post and say:

    "Glad you guys you could get back on track against the powerhouse Bills!! LOL".

    And the Vikes are a Superbowl contender? Don't let the Bucs give you false hope, it hurts later as you already know. When you can call your team the defending Superbowl Champions, I might listen to you. Hell when you can say your team has been to the show, I might pay attention. Until then, you keep on hoping.

    Dodgamatic's Cards

    REFS: Patman2011, swides, Raf12, PullKing, TeamKansas, Jeffo81
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    My Bucs are 7-2 and your Bills arn't. You paid all that money for Bledsoe and when you
    get to a big game the guy sucks! You all can live in the past if you want, but Im talking
    about this season, and yesterday doesn't mean anything if you can't win today!

    Bucs Rule

  • being a bucs fan i can understand how you can't appreciate a teams history, i mean like i said your a bucs fan.. but i have to say being a cowboys fan for since 76 and witnessing 4 of the 5 S.B wins it is nice to have a history to fall back on image
  • Speaking of Bucs history: zero soperbowls and the only team to go 0-14 in NFL history. My Pats used to be bad, but they still have been to 3 SBs, and have never been shut out on the season. The Bucs have history, history of being horrible! People that talk crap half way through the season are nowhere to be found at the end of the second half. Look at the Raider fans, won 4 in a row, now dropped 4. Someday you may witness your team go to the SB, but you will also witness them lose it. Have pride knowing the Bucs are the worse team in NFL history. At least it is something.
    Dodgamatic's Cards

    REFS: Patman2011, swides, Raf12, PullKing, TeamKansas, Jeffo81
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    Your pats used to be bad?????They win one superbowl and suddenly they are up there with Steelers and the Cowboys??

    LMAO, the patsies have one more SB than the bucs, and I would be willing to bet that the Bucs have more wins
    over the past 5 years. Oh and we are 7-2 and you guys are 4-4.....if the playoffs were today you guys arn't even
    in it. Hows that for history?

    When your patsies get to first place then you can talk to me and my Bucs, but for now you need to win some more

  • Good or not, at least the bills and patriots arent known around the leauge and the country as the pu$$ies who cant win in cold weather.
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    at least we are not the ones who are know for choking in back to back to back to back super
    bowls!! OUCH You see nobody remembers the super bowl losers unless they just plain
    choke, and everyone remembers the Bills and the "wide right" era.

  • What have the yuccs ever accomplished besides being known as the team who cant win in green bay once the weather cools? At least the bills have been to four super bowls. At least they can win an conference championship. The yuccaneers will never win anything with gruden cause he is a choke artist. He has shown it with the raiders and he will show with the yuccs.
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy

  • The Bucs havn't even beaten a team with a winning record yet.

    The only 2 teams they played with a winning record are NO and Philly.

    And guess what?? They lost both games.

    Bucs havn't proven anything after 8 games except that they can't beat good teams.
    Looking for former University of Arizona NBA RC's in PSA or BGS 9's/GEM MINT grades. Die hard University of Arizona and Bay Area Sports fan.
  • Not sure why anyone would brag about beating my Vikes, everyone has except for the Bears and Lions! image
    Can't wait to see how long it will take the Vikes to sign next years #1 pick. imageisgust:

    Lets analyze those teams you beat:

    Baltimore 3-5
    Rams 3-5
    Bengals 1-7
    Atlanta 5-3 (had a losing record when you beat them, they'll beat you next game)
    Browns 4-5
    Panthers 3-5
    Vikings 2-6

    Combine record 21 - 36 (WOW, that's impressive)

    Teams Bucs lost to:

    Saints 6-2
    Eagles 6-2

    Conclussion, come back when the Bucs beat a team with a winning record. Heck I predict the Bucs will lose the next thre games.

  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    Hey Patton...learn how to spell first before you start analyzing football games.

    The only thing you guys need to know is that we are 7-2 right now and in two
    weeks 8-2. Who cares who you beat, we will have home field advantage
    throughout and kill everyone. What- you guys are going to base all your
    smack on a 6-point lose in OT vs the saints and a 10 point loss IN PHILLY
    as our two loses???? Come on, the Bucs are ruling and you all know it. Even
    our losses look good on paper!

    UofAFan>So I guess you are a niners fan this week huh?? LOL I like the Angles
    pic you freaking bandwagon jumper!


    PS...If your going to put up some smack you better be representing a team!
  • "6-point lose in OT" and "our two loses"
    Joe, I think before you lay the smack on someone for spelling, you should check your own, LOLimage
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