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The end of Vince Carter?

His knee is busted again! That's just great! Steve Francis kicked our asses yesterday(Raptors v.s. Rockets.) Looks like Vince Carter's knee is going to screw up his career, it's not as if he was doing good this year anyways. The guy was just standing there with the ball and BAM his knee just gave up on him!

At the way he is going, he won't get very far with his NBA career. And watch his SP Authentic Rookie card's value DROP like hell! I'm serious! No joke, people!


  • I hear he's day to day, hardly cause to sell all your Carters.
  • I did'nt catch that game and have'nt seen the highlights,But I can tell you this from past VC episodes.If he's having a good game he has no knee trouble if he's having a bad game all of a sudden his knee gives out and he has to set out.So I would'nt sweat it yet.Does leave the ever lingering question though,Does the bad knee cause the bad game? or does the bad knee provide an easy way out of a bad game?
    I still think his card were and are over valued anyway,What's he done besides throw down a nasty flush in a dunk contest.He's talented no doubt but $1000 RC talented I dont know?
  • He's fine but but Nikebasketball you are way off.

    << <i>.If he's having a good game he has no knee trouble if he's having a bad game all of a sudden his knee gives out and he has to set out.So I would'nt sweat it yet.Does leave the ever lingering question though,Does the bad knee cause the bad game? or does the bad knee provide an easy way out of a bad game? >>

    He basically played all of last season hurt so I don't know where you are getting this. Also, he played like 6 minutes in the Houston game, wouldn't you think if he was going to fake an injury he would give himself alittle more time (maybe heave 30 shots and if they miss then fake an injury) Come on man, I know you don't like Vince Carter....(sounds like your either a Kobe fan or T-Mac fan...or maybe just a bandwagon jumper...let's pick any team that wins....Kings?) but you don't have to bash the guy. He will be back, this isn't a serious injury, and he will dominate.
  • Lol, I do like VC not a huge collector of him simply because he has'nt done much other than that dunk.Not a kobe or T Mac fan either.Just a basketball fan and as a basketball fan cant help but take note of a guy who plays well one night has a 40 point game and is on top pf the world has a game 24 hours later starts out upbeat and acts healthy maybe starts the game 2 for 12 or worse and then here comes the limp,A few minutes later he's riding the pine.As I said I simply wonder does the knee cause the bad game or is it a crutch?.And as for last season yes he did play injured but his team also went on a major winning streak once he left too.Had he stayed in they'd have likely continued losing.That to me does'nt add up to having a players card book at outlandish prices.Thats not a knock of his talent but it more or less states that his cards book what they do becuase of hype.Not talent.
  • Are you kidding me? Carter doesn't have the tallent? He is one of the most tallented players in the NBA. If he wasn't, his cards wouldn't get anywhere near what they have been selling for. Carter is one of the most athetic players, just got hurt recently. Same can be said of Grant Hill. This guy was a top 5 player before he got hurt and if he can have a few seasons without getting hurt he will get back to where he use to be.

    As a fan of basketball you may not understand how difficult it is to play through an injury. I've played sports with messed up knees, ankles, bruised ribs, broken wrist and you can't play as well as when you are at 100%. Carter hasn't played much ball in awhile and when he get's back into game shape he will dominate. Tell me you didn't see that jam over Duncan when the played the Spurs? He will be back and the guys who trash talked him will eat their words.

    On another note, do you think the prices on some Kobe cards are reasonable? Or some on T-Mac? True they are great players but some of the prices are crazy. It's up to what the fan/collector will pay, that establishes the value. People see the potential of Carter, that's why they are willing to invest in him. I'm sure you saw what Carter did in his first few seasons. Last season he was hurt and alot of people bailed on him, now he has to prove his doubters wrong.

  • I kind of agree with NikeBasketball, the Carter SP Authentic RC is over valued. Think about it, there are about 3500 OUT THERE!! That's quite a lot! Look at all the ones which are not even numbered at all, hand numbered, could be some duplicates out there. The 1998 SP Authentic set is kind of screwed up anyways. There are a million of them on ebay all the time!

    The 1999 SP Authentic set is much more better, RCs being #d/1500 is pretty good!

  • Hopefully Carter will bounce back, I believe all he did was sprain his knee which is not major. He should be fine in a few days.
    "There is a reason hidden behind everything we do in life" - Me
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    "Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for Pain."
  • I did'nt say VC is talentless I merely said I think his BV's are a result of hype over talent.I do think Kobe cards are overbooked as well.I dont pay much attention to T Mac's BV's,But i know that VC saw him (And I think they are related) as enough of a threat that he helped Raptor mangaement drive him out of Toronto.
    And yes I do know all too well what it's like to play injured,I Plyed basketball from grade school through HS and college.And I know at times a player cannot play simply because of injuries but VC has alot of up and down stuff with his knee it's fine 1 day messed up the next.And as I said seems to flare up when he's off his game.
    And agin as I said I do think he's talented,Will he ever win a championship.I dont think if he remains the only star on a team that he will.Now should Toronto bring in another star or he get traded to a team with another star or 2 in the future maybe he'll get a ring.But on his own I just dont see it.
    And as for his nasty dunk on Duncan there were alot of players in the 80's and 90's that through down dunks and shots on MJ here and there some of them were stars some of them were role players who got a good shot in.Would you pay $1,000 for say a Joe Dumars RC? how about a Clyde Drexler?.I would'nt wether they were my favorite player or not.
    I'm not downing your guy,Everyone likes who they like,I'm just downing Beckett and the price guides.What a guys card books should be dictated by what he does on the floor and what he does for his team,Not becuase of what his name is and how many highlight clips ESPN has ran of his dunks.
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