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Should I grade this card?

2002 SP Jordan Sample. It is virtually perfect
I collect Yankees (especially Derek Jeter) and autographed sports memorabilia from any sports. Will pay cash or trade.
Refs. Jason, CoachVinny, Colt, Baird34,DpSports,CardnYou, Ryano and many many more


  • Grading it and getting a 10, might get you the cost of grading back, I have no interest in a graded card that is not a rookie card.

    Now Closed For Good

    REFERENCES: check rmcards4u

    Looking for tough Game Used and Autos in Football and Baseball, expecially Phillies, Orioles, Redskins, Steelers, Eagles and Raiders.
  • You probably need to ask yourself why you are having the card graded....that will answer all the grading questions you just asked. If the card is worthless before its graded it will be worthless after its graded but it will be in a nice holder. Graded cards are another level of card collecting and can become very costly with NO Garuantee of a good grade. A good example of grading follies is: A 92 UD Shaq UNgraded is valued at $50., have it graded and receive a grade of 8 and the value drops to $40, but a 9 triples in value to $150. I have had several cards graded that I would have bet the farm they would be 9s and have come back as low as 7.5.
    The real statement here really goes back to the first sentence, why do you want it graded?

    what ever you do enjoy the hobby of collecting...

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