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Someone fill me in on GTA: Vice City... whats the scoop?

I am just wonderin some stuff about VC cuz i am gonna buy it soon, what are some pros and cons compared to GTA3?? lmk thanks.
Refs: 35+

Collecting Jerome Williams


  • no cons...bigger, faster, better than GTA3, if theres such a thing(o wait, there is! vice city image)
  • i was wonderin since like its in the 80's... are there as good of cars as there was in GTA3?
    Refs: 35+

    Collecting Jerome Williams
  • well to me from the commercials and advertisements ive seen the cars look alot better
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  • Overall the game looks like it had much more time spent on it. The graphics are beutiful and there are many new features. Of course u probably know you can fly a helocopter and drive a motorcycle but now some buildings you can walk into and actually controll yourself in the building unlike the video of it. The only downer i must say is the radio plays actual songs from the 80's instead of there own stuff but some people like it better. Its approximatly 3 x larger than the original. Hope i Helped
  • oh, the cars are great dont worry bout that....yeah, the 80's soundtrack is a lil blah, but you can always turn off the radio image or just listen to the talk radio, which is hilarious image
  • some others things i heard were like you can shoot out tires on cars, at the end of the game you can buy property, you can start riots on the streets, but you can also only carry 3 weapons at a time, i guess that makes it more realistic...
    Refs: 35+

    Collecting Jerome Williams
  • youre semi-correct...you can shoot out tires, you can buy property during the game, not just at the end, you can start riots obviously, you can carty 8 weapons at a time, one from each category.
  • k thanx for clearin that up
    Refs: 35+

    Collecting Jerome Williams
  • the game is just awsome i was playing it all yesterday and when u get stuck u dont get mad just u can just go around makeing trouble i myself perfer doing drive by's
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  • The game is amazing. Hey guys, don't knock the 80's music, I think it's classic and a great part of the game because it's from the 80's. The old school Rap station is always on when I do my drive by's.

    Hey I got a ton of codes for you guys if you are interested. They do add alittle more to the game (you don't have to get busted everytime you start alittle trouble) True, it's nice to beat the game without cheats but hey, I love driving the racing cars and when you really want to cause trouble, bust out the tank.
  • I still like the original better.image

    Is there a tank in the original like there is in the London one?

    I've only been able to find the tank in London once but I never play it because it has such awful cars.
  • i'm gonna buy it in like a week i can't wait. thanx for fillin me in, sounds like a totally awesome game... this will almost complete my collection, but i still need London... anywayz i'm just a die hard GTA gamer... but i'm sure anyone that plays it can play it for days maybe even weeks at a time lol.
    Refs: 35+

    Collecting Jerome Williams
  • the game is awesome.yeah like they said the music stinks but i mainly turn the radio off
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  • i donno i might like rollin' some hot wheelz to some old skool rap or sumthin lol. maybe do a couple drive by's. or maybe just kick back and take a stroll to some laid back music.... are the soundtracks real recorded songs from the 80's that you would really hear on the radio in real life??? J/W
    Refs: 35+

    Collecting Jerome Williams
  • Everyone is so high on Vice City that no one wants to talk about the bad parts. First of all, sure there are more cars, but most of them look alike and when you need a certain model, good luck finding it, because you might not see one for awhile. Around 1/5 of the game is the beach, the city easier to find where you are going, seeing the islands are long and not too wide. GTA3 was more challenging seeing you didn't have more than one pay n spray on each island and only one hideout. The police are annoying and are almost everywhere you look. How many times do you see 5 cops on the same street around a block away from eachother. The missions aren't as challenging as GTA3, this game doesn't take long to beat all the missions, probably half the people who bought the game have already beaten it before it has even been out for a week.

    Now the things that are better. The game is much easier than GTA3 with more save locations, stores, and pay n spray. More free range movement in buildings. The motorcycles are fun to ride. Helicopters aren't as great as everyone thought they would be, and the Hunter really isn't worth getting, but it's something new. The skimmer aka full winged dodo is much easier to fly. Variety of missions is better. Your character talks this time around. You can rob stores and bash vehicles with weapons.

    The game is great, but you might be better off renting it if there is a place around you that rents for 5 days, because it will probably only take you that long to beat the missions, unless you are the type that needs to find everything.

    Overall, The Movie Studio Missions are the best part in the game.

    BTW, the Music also makes the game. Anyone complaining about the music must be under the legal age of purchasing the game or right around 18. Seeing it contains actual songs we grew up to listening on the radio.
  • SlipKnot515SlipKnot515 Posts: 1,354 ✭✭
    hell, the music on VRock is awesome! Ozzy, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, and not to forget, Slayer!
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