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If you have dish network sat. TV You get NBA league pass free:)

I noticed last month they put the NHL hockey package on for free.imageimage

And then as of yesterday they put on the NBA league pass for FREEimageimageimage Every game every night for freeimage.If you have dish network satelite check channels 560 through 578image


  • As I understand, it's only free through Nov. 5 image
  • Is is only free until the 5th.Its just a free 1 week preview and if you want to keep it, its like $149 for the season.
    Traded wth: JRCCRUM,Truballer,Danotorious,yegua22,Sporto1633,LACHU91,cardnyou,dpsports,z28,mtgrinch,Paragon,epag64,thematrix31,SPORTSGUY247,nascar20

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    Drop me a line!

    Remember New York.God Bless America.
  • Awww manimage.Anyone know how much it is to keep it.Cause I cant go back after having it.

    And what about the NHL one I've had it for a month and would gladly sacrifice it to keep the NBA oneimage.Hell they should have to pay me for cluttering my channels with itimage
  • its actually free until Nov. 11th, image

  • i got directtv satelite, i believe the free preview runs til like the 5th or something
    I NEED 01-02 RCs of ZACH RANDOLPH!!

    Ebay ID: mysteryman152

    "Kid, get off me! Go back to school"

    eat this, nikobe
  • I have it through cox digital cable, I agree that now that I've had a taste I really want it. My neighbor works for the cable company, going to try to get a hookup image
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