What you do when you get ripped off in MA or CT
Posts: 432 ✭
I was prompted by the recent thread about the fed-ex shipment that was effectively hijacked. That's rotten! If, by chance, this happens to you in the northeast--god forbid!--let me know, since I know several excellent attorneys in the MA and CT areas that can help. (And for the record, as an employee of the federal judiciary, let me make clear that I will and can have no financial intererst in the outcome.) There are also several other attorneys who regulary contribute to this board who, perhaps, can assist you if your dispute arises elsewhere. Do not be defeated when the coins you ship do not arrive! Help is available! At the same time, of course, realize that every case depends on its own facts. Nevertheless, if you get screwed, I urge you to contact other members of this board who can help you legally. Do not take a delivery service's lame excuse lying down!
Best regards to y'all,
--chris in NYC (atty for 22 yrs).
Best regards to y'all,
--chris in NYC (atty for 22 yrs).
Tiger trout, Deerfield River, c. 2001.
Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill