<< <i>kobe is more liked around the country than barry bonds by far. No one outside of giants fans likes barry bonds, kobe has fans all over the country. Bonds' teamates hate him and he is seen as one of the laziest peole in sports with his defense. He is also unliked because he doesnt have the balls to crown the plate without that body armour. Look at david eckstien who gets hit all the time and is half the size of bonds. we will see how far he can carry a team all by himself when dusty baker and jeff kent leave. >>
Basketball is a more popular sport than baseball in other countries. We have users on CE from Germany, France, etc. and ALL collect only basketball. So, what's your point? That's like comparing Sammy Sosa to Pele' while in another country.
dusty baker is one of the best managers in baseball and if you think they dont need him you know much about baseball. Why do you think guys like pinella, torre and larussa get so much money. It is not because they arent important to a teams success. Ok auto, you still didnt answer the points about why barry isnt liked. At least the kobe haters know that he plays tough defense and always plays hard. The same can not be said for bonds
I answered your question and the reason basketball is more popular around the world is because NBA has more stars and prospects from other countries than baseball. In baseball, you only have basically Dominican Republic and Japan. In Basketball, let's see.. Dirk, Pau Gasol, Tony Parker (France), Detlef Schrempf (now retired), Steve Nash (Canada), Dikembe Mutombo (Africa), Yao Ming (China), Predrag Stojakovic, Hidayet Turkoglu, Arvydas Sabonis, Andrei Kirilenko, etc. Olajuwon (just retired).. and the list goes on. And when Olympics come around, these players are usually representing their countries which is why there is a wider fan base worldwide. So, naturally, NBA gets more exposure than baseball (especially since their are less players in the NBA to focus on vs. baseball/minor league prospects).
<< I love how UofA thinks kobe is self centered and selfish. This is coming from a Barry Bonds fan. Barry Bonds is the most selfish and hated person in sports. Its nice to see your not a hypocrite >>
Did I ever say Bonds wasn't selfish or hated?? Get a clue kid and grow up.
Since when is playing professional sports a popularity contest anyways??
I've met Barry Bonds and yes he denied me an autograph even though I asked politely.... and you know what?? I don't care. He's paid to play baseball not to please the media and all his fans. I could care less how he treats the stupid media and all the rabid fans who bug him for autographs everytime he steps into the public. If I was him I'd do the same thing. I would imagine it gets really really old dealing with fans when you're famous.
Your deduction about me being a hypocrite completely lacks merit. I'd expect more intellect from a USC fan...... Have you even attended a course at USC??
On a different note... My University of Arizona Wildcats are preseason #1 in the College Basketball polls. I look forward to watching them roll over the USC Trojans and the rest of the pack 10 on their way to winning the NCAA Tournament. Mark my words.
Looking for former University of Arizona NBA RC's in PSA or BGS 9's/GEM MINT grades. Die hard University of Arizona and Bay Area Sports fan.
<< <i>kobe is more liked around the country than barry bonds by far. No one outside of giants fans likes barry bonds, kobe has fans all over the country. Bonds' teamates hate him and he is seen as one of the laziest peole in sports with his defense. He is also unliked because he doesnt have the balls to crown the plate without that body armour. Look at david eckstien who gets hit all the time and is half the size of bonds. we will see how far he can carry a team all by himself when dusty baker and jeff kent leave. >>
Basketball is a more popular sport than baseball in other countries. We have users on CE from Germany, France, etc. and ALL collect only basketball. So, what's your point? That's like comparing Sammy Sosa to Pele' while in another country.
Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom
<< I love how UofA thinks kobe is self centered and selfish. This is coming from a Barry Bonds fan. Barry Bonds is the most selfish and hated person in sports. Its nice to see your not a hypocrite >>
Did I ever say Bonds wasn't selfish or hated?? Get a clue kid and grow up.
Since when is playing professional sports a popularity contest anyways??
I've met Barry Bonds and yes he denied me an autograph even though I asked politely.... and you know what?? I don't care. He's paid to play baseball not to please the media and all his fans. I could care less how he treats the stupid media and all the rabid fans who bug him for autographs everytime he steps into the public. If I was him I'd do the same thing. I would imagine it gets really really old dealing with fans when you're famous.
Your deduction about me being a hypocrite completely lacks merit. I'd expect more intellect from a USC fan...... Have you even attended a course at USC??
On a different note... My University of Arizona Wildcats are preseason #1 in the College Basketball polls. I look forward to watching them roll over the USC Trojans and the rest of the pack 10 on their way to winning the NCAA Tournament. Mark my words.
Thinking about the absurd posts rooks has made I ask this.
What kind of idiot compares the popularity of a Basketball player to that of a Baseball player??
Talk about moronic. Popularity means nothing on a field of play.
South Of The Border Cards
R.I.P Josher416